April 16, 2020
Dear Neighbours,
I want to thank everyone for your efforts during this very difficult time. It is very important for all of us, to the best of our ability to follow the mandatory social distancing bylaw!
Please see the following update regarding COVID-19 key information and resources in the City of Toronto:
City of Toronto to continue yard waste collection for another two weeks
The City of Toronto will continue yard waste collection for another two weeks from April 20 to May 1 to accommodate residents. The start of seasonal yard waste collection was suspended in March as part of the City’s COVID-19 response to ensure adequate staffing levels to continue the core collection of garbage, blue bin (recycling) and green bin (organics).
Residents are asked to put their yard waste out before 7 a.m. on their regularly scheduled garbage/yard waste collection day. If yard waste is not picked up on collection day, residents are asked to leave it out until it’s collected. It is not necessary to call 311 to report a missed collection.
If possible, residents should use a yard waste bag. Otherwise, a rigid open-top container can be used. Brush and branches should be secured in bundles no longer than 1.2 metres (4 feet), no wider than 0.6 metres (two feet) and no heavier than 20 kilograms (44 lbs). Full news release here:
City of Toronto’s City Hall Live performances move online to support artists during COVID-19 pandemic
To help support Toronto artists and lift the spirits of residents during this outbreak, the City of Toronto, in partnership with Unison Benevolent Fund, is moving its City Hall Live performance program online.
Under the necessary restrictions in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, artists will take their show online. The first City Hall Live Online livestreamed event is today, April 16 at noon and will feature The Weather Station. The series will run Monday through Friday from noon to 1 p.m., with two shows per day until the end of June. More than 100 local artists will be directly compensated for 30-minute performances from their homes, livestreamed via Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/City-Hall-Live-106149534367134/. Toronto-based musicians can apply to be considered for City Hall Live and other City of Toronto Music Office programs at http://www.toronto.ca/music. Full news release here:
Is Your Agency Collecting Data to Assist with COVID-19 Response Efforts?
Let covidupdates@211ontario.ca know of any programs and services being offered in your community that your organization is tracking!
211’s Service Navigations are using this data to assist the hundreds of people from across the GTA who are calling 2-1-1 everyday for support and resources during this pandemic. To update your organization’s 211 record, fill out this form: https://211ontario.ca/tell-211-about-changes-in-services/.
A list of food banks and soup kitchens in Ward 24 can be found here:
Please remember to call ahead to book to ensure they are properly stocked. For those interested in volunteering, food banks are always looking for volunteers, so please feel free to save and share this information.
The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.
You can also reach me by telephone at 416-396-7222 or email me at councillor_ainslie@toronto.ca
All my Best,