November 25, 2020
Dear Neighbours,
I want to thank everyone for their efforts during these difficult times. Let us all remember COVID-19 will hopefully be stopped, but we all must continue to keep following the mandated rules. We also need to remember, our mental health is paramount, and it is important we take care of ourselves and seek support if needed. For information on COVID-19 community supports please visit this link.
Town Hall Meeting Thursday December 3

To submit your questions by November 30 at 4:00pm
To join at the time of the meeting
Toronto has now entered the Grey-Lockdown level of restrictions in the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework. Please stay home as much as possible, except for essential trips for groceries, healthcare, child care, school and work. Remember to practicephysical distancing, washing your hands as often as possible and wear a mask or face covering. Residents are asked to limit contact with people not in the same household and to remain at home when ill. I encourage you to read the Grey-Lockdown level guidelines and the province’s news release for more information.
The City of Toronto has prepared a DO and DON’T guide to help residents understand what is and what is not permitted under the Grey-Lockdown stage of the province’s framework. This guide, like all pages on the City’s website, can be translated automatically into 50 languages, with a translate feature at the bottom of every webpage. Visit the COVID-19 guide for Toronto residents on the City’s website.
City of Toronto COVID-19 Case Update: (Data as of November 24, 2020) There has been an increase of 481 COVID-19 cases in the City of Toronto. There are 168 people currently hospitalized. Through the pandemic the City of Toronto has seen a total of 39,094 cases of COVID-19, of these, 33,049 cases have recovered. To this date, there have been 1,555 COVID-19 deaths in Toronto, an increase of 10 deaths from the day before. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform. Province of Ontario status of COVID-19 Cases can be found here.
Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from the flu. It is especially important this year to help protect our healthcare system during the fight against COVID-19. Learn more about the flu online at and book your flu shot appointment at
The holidays are going to look a little different this year due to COVID-19. The Ontario government has provided some public health advice on how to protect yourself and your loved ones to support Ontarians as they being to safely plan for the holiday season. General advice to consider when planning your holiday season include virtual holiday events, outdoor holiday activities, attending drive-in or drive through events, decorating your homes and donating to holiday charities or toy drives. Please remember to avoid social gatherings and limit close contact to your household, physically distance and wear a face covering or mask where required. More information can be read in this news release.
The City of Toronto launches Welcome T.O. Winter parks plan. The Welcome T.O. Winter plan provides safe ways for people to get outside in Toronto’s parks, including at 54 artificial ice rinks and 5 golf courses. Residents are encouraged to stay active this winter with members of your own household at toboggan hills, snow loops, outdoor skate rinks, try the city’s new guided outdoor Walk Fit programs and more. A few parks amenities will remain open throughout the winter, including more than 800 playgrounds, outdoor sports courts and dog off leash areas. More information on the City’s Welcome T.O. Winter parks plan can be reviewed in this news release.
Toronto Public Library branches are NOW OPEN after a brief closure to prepare their spaces and services for the new restrictions imposed by the province’s Grey-Lockdown level. Current services include access to 82 of 100 TPL branches, contactless pickup of holds, open drop boxes, access to computers, Wi-Fi, photocopiers, printers, washrooms, library card registration, Bookmobiles and Home Library Services. Due to the lockdown restrictions some services have been suspended, which include Digital Innovation Hubs, youth hubs and access to study spaces. More information on Toronto Public Library’s services please visit this website.
Experience art illuminated at BigArtTO in Ward24 Scarborough-Guildwood from November 25 to November 28. The BigArtTO installations, “Angular Translucence” by Idalina Leandro and “Encuentros/Encounters” by Luis Cisneros, will be located at Meadowglen Place, 2 Meadowglen Pl from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. More information on BigArtTO can be found here.
Residents asked that I address the lack of basketball play in the Seven Oaks community. Under my direction City Staff explored locations and have identified that Seven Oaks Park would best serve the community. City Staff will commence the process of planning site assessments. I will provide further updates as the project progresses. If you have any further questions or comments please reach out to my office at 416-396-7222 or
Visit the Toronto Zoo Holiday Drive-Thru this holiday season for a family-friendly and COVID safe experience! See the beauty of winter at The Toronto Zoo as you and your family drive through a special holiday route from the safety and warmth of your own vehicle. Toronto Zoo Holiday Drive-Thru opens to the public from November 28, 2020 to December 21, 2020 Friday Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 3pm. Timed tickets must be pre-purchased online in advance. More details at
Toronto Police Service Hosts Four Community Conversations: Race-based Data Collection starting Tonight November 25 from 6:30pm to 8pm. To participate in the session by asking questions: join via WebEx. To watch the session, view the livestream on YouTube. More information and details on the following conversations can be found here.
Toronto Book Awards 2020 Virtual Prize Ceremony will take place on November 30, 2020 at 7pm. The Toronto Book Awards honour authors of books of literary or artistic merit that are evocative of Toronto. Register to watch announcement of the 2020 Toronto Book Awards here.
December 1st is Giving Tuesday! Following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is an important time for us to come together, empower each other and rally for favourite causes. Join Scarborough Health Network Foundation – and other causes from across Canada and around the world – on December 1 and give a gift that will help shape the future of care for patients and their families. More information and how to make your gift early, please visit this link.
For Giving Tuesday this year, Parents Engaged in Education are raising funds to establish Canada’s First Education Bank to service the West Hill/Guildwood and Malvern areas of Scarborough. This Education Bank will give low income students and families in Scarborough access to art supplies, curriculum support, amenities for self-care for teens, books and more. See this flyer for more details. Visit to donate!
The Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough Holiday Help Program is now accepting various forms of donations. Donate essential daily items, toys, non-perishables, and/or monetary donations. All donations are asked to be dropped off at their main site, 100 Galloway Rd, no later than Friday December 4th, 2020. More information on how to participate in the Holiday Help Program can be found here. If you have any questions please contact 416-281-0262 or email
Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Public Information Centre #3. The purpose of the Public Information Centre is to present and seek feedback on the preliminary design and results of the technical studies, including potential impacts and proposed mitigation measures. The Public Information Centre #3 will run until Friday December 18, 2020, please view the dedicated page and participate by using the Ask-A-Question box, please visit this link.
People facing hunger in Toronto need our help! Toronto Miracle is inviting Toronto residents to leave a non-perishable food item on their doorstep (marked for Toronto Miracle) on December 5th at 10am. Volunteers will collect these donations and redistribute to those in need in the community. More information on how to donate or volunteer can be found at
Join Social Assistance Coalition of Scarborough (SACS) for a follow-up virtual Q & A on government benefits during COVID for recipients of Ontario Works and ODSP on Thursday December 10, 2020 from 6pm to 8pm. You can send in your questions to by December 1, 2020. Register here.
Knights of Columbus is hosting a Christmas Community Food Drive on Saturday December 12th from 9am to 12pm at St. Martin de Porres Church (Parking Lot), located at 4179 Lawrence Ave E. This will be a drive-through food drive with appropriate COVID-19 protocols in place. Community members are invited to bring non-perishable food items, much needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the Knights of Columbus will take donations from the trunk of your car. The food items will then be delivered to community Food Banks.
The Toronto BIA Office is now accepting applications for Stream 6 of the BIA Innovation Fund. Awards range from $5000 to $25000. Finding is Limited. Descriptions of projects previously funded under the program can be found here, along with feature stories. Special consideration will be given to projects that address economic support and recovery in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Deadline to apply is Thursday December 10th, 2020 4:30pm. Apply NOW.
Create a pollinator garden and help native pollinators from the threats of climate change, habitat loss, and other stressors. Grants of up to $5,000 are available to support community-led initiatives that result in the creation or expansion of pollinator habitat on public and private lands in Toronto. The deadline to apply for the City’s PollinateTO Community Grant is January 8, 2021. The gardens will be planted in 2021. More information about the PollinateTO Community Grants is available at
Please click here for a list of food banks and soup kitchens in the Ward 24
Please click here for a list of food banks in East Scarborough
Please click here for a list of food banks in Scarborough
Please remember to call ahead to book to ensure they are properly stocked. For those interested in volunteering, food banks are always looking for volunteers, so please feel free to save and share this information.
Check out all Scarborough-Guildwood’s past Live Town Meetings on my YouTube channel – like and subscribe for more meetings and videos! Scarborough-Guildwood’s Live Town Halls provide the community with up to date information, supports and resources throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough Scoop
Check out the ESBGC latest Bi-Weekly Scoop HERE. Subscribe HERE.
insidehousing: News from Toronto Community Housing
Check out their latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE.
BusinessTO Newsletter: BusinessTO’s upcoming webinars and online events
Check out their latest newsletter HERE. Subscribe HERE.
TransformTO Update: Climate action for a healthy, equitable, prosperous Toronto.
Check out their latest update HERE. Subscribe HERE.
What’s On at the Library: Home Edition
Check out the latest copy HERE. Subscribe HERE. Fall TPL live and online programming is available online.
Our KGO Updates: East Scarborough Storefront’s crowd-sourced e-newsletter
Check out their latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE.
Toronto District School Board Update
Check out the latest issue HERE.
TDSB Trustee Update by Ward 19 Scarborough-Guildwood Trustee Zakir Patel
Check out the latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE.
Toronto Zoo Press Releases
Latest issue HERE. Contact to subscribe.
City of Toronto Waste Wizard. The City of Toronto’s Waste Wizard helps you find out what waste items go where! You can visit the Waste Wizard online or download the TOwaste app.
Essential Government Information for COVID-19
Public Health’s information line & 311 are experiencing high call volumes. Residents can get the information they need online at
If you need info on COVID-19, please visit the following websites:
Official Global Travel Advisory
The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.
The City of Toronto’s website can be translated into many languages using the GoogleTM Translate tool. This tool gives residents and visitors who speak other languages a way of accessing City information featured on the website. To change languages on the City of Toronto website, please click here:
I am continuously updating my social media platforms and my website with up to date information:
You can also reach me by: telephone at 416-396-7222 or email me at
All my Best,