My City….My Six

Dear Residents of Ward 43,

My City My Six is a project based on the six word story concept that was popularized by Smith Magazine. This project is inviting Torontonians to submit their story that best tells their existence and experience in our city in only six words. The project hopes to use these stories to celebrate the diverse living that make up this great city.

In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary this public project will tell a story of Toronto and its residents in only six words. Torontonians of all ages and backgrounds can submit their essential six-word stories from January through May 2017 to be later selected from, by a jury, for a city-wide exhibition for the fall of 2017.

Stories can be submitted via email to please include first name, name of your neighbourhood and your age. However, anonymous submissions are also accepted!

This project is led by Toronto Arts and Culture in collaboration with the city’s six local arts service organizations including Scarborough Arts.

These six-word stories can also be submitted through workshops and events held at local arts service organizations. Join Scarborough Arts at their upcoming My City My Six Writing Workshop at Bluffs Gallery on May 28 at 1859 Kingston Road from 1pm to 3pm. For more information please visit

The words that I have chosen are: Proud to call Toronto my home. I encourage you all to write a submission which can be selected to for the September and October 2017 exhibit around the city. Spaces of the fall 2017 exhibit will include Toronto City Hall, The TTC and many other public spaces.


All my Best,



Infrastructure in the City of Toronto

Blog Post: Infrastructure in the City of Toronto

Dear Residents of Ward 43,

What are Toronto’s two season?
Winter and infrastructure renewal.

Toronto is indeed a city with all four season however lately we’ve been receiving a lot of winter weather. Does fall and spring even exist?

The season of summer is often associated with summer break if you’re a student or teacher. However to those who work full-time all year round we know that the warm cloudless summer season is perfect construction weather or infrastructure renewal weather.

Yes, yes I know that traffic delays and detours are a pain to sit through or reroute but consider the positive long-term outcome. Some of Toronto’s watermains are over 100 years old and majority of the roads were built in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It may just be about time to get our watermains improved and our roads resurfaced.

Think about the amount of pot holes there are on our city roads, how many of them have been fixed or still need fixing?

The City is prepared to spend over half a billion dollars each year to fix and maintain our watermains and roads. For 2017 the City is investing $700 million to improve core infrastructures. Of this, $310 million will be used on roads, expressways and bridges, another $310 million to be used on sewers and watermains and $70 million on basement flooding protection.

The City of Toronto will be co-ordinating road closures to speed up road work for the upcoming construction season 2017. Check out the city’s web-based map to help motorist plan their way around the city,

Let us all accept the extra commute time for the betterment of our City and its ageing infrastructure.

All my Best,


Guildwood Public School Acomodation Review Deputations Deadlined

Hello Guildwoood Residents,

Just a friendly reminder of the public PARC Meeting convening on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Cl, Auditorium, 145 Guildwood Parkway, Toronto, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to hear deputations from the public.  If you would like to make a deputation, please contact Nadine Segal by Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 4:00pm (today).

Requests must be made in writing and include the topic, name, address, phone and email address of the speaker as well as the name of the organization represented (if applicable). The maximum length of time for each deputation is five minutes.

You can also submit a written deputation by email to or to the office of Superintendent Kerry-Lynn Stadnyk, TDSB, 140 Borough Drive, Toronto, ON, MlP 4N6

All My Best,



Every Day…. Or Tuesday April 3, 2017

Often people say to me “What do you do every day?”…..”How often do you have to go downtown?”….”What are your hours like?”

Well I thought I’d show people what one of my day’s looks like when I don’t have to go downtown…..

My day usually starts with flipping through the pages of the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail newspapers while I eat breakfast. I have all the technology to read them on line, but the traditionalist still like the feel of newsprint in the mornings!

The interesting thing I do find being a nighthawk is often flipping through social media the night before I often find myself reading the hard copy the next morning less and less. I know I’m not alone just by this reference to what is happening to other publications like the National Post

After helping get our kids out the door and off to school I settle in to my day. Today I started off with Scarborough Community Council. Surprisingly we some of our colleagues in other parts of the City would consider a fairly light agenda, with no deputations on any of the items listed. We were actually done by mid-Morning

Here is the agenda:

Surprisingly it came with none of the long fence exemption debates….or tree cutting ones we have almost become famous for!

The joys of finishing Community Council allows one to move on to other activities. This mainly involves catching up on phone calls and paperwork. The main stay of a City Councillors days when not in meetings! (The reading is often for agendas of committees I am on….so it can be a bit circular!)

I did manage to pitch in at home at make dinner!!! #GoldStar

For the evening I had three different meetings lined up. The first one was at my favourite community hub The East Scarborough Storefront. (Twitter handle: @TheStorefrontKGO). The first one was very pleasant. I got to have some fun painting a wooden honey bee to be used as part of an outdoor mural to promote pollinator bees and all they do as part of the food chain. This is a project by Tower Renewal (Twitter handle: @TOTower_Renewal) This is a City of Toronto program mandated to improve Toronto’s high-rise apartment buildings.

Next…Back to the Scarborough Town Centre for a meeting being hosted by myself and the City of Toronto Culture staff to discuss arts programming in what is currently known as “Building 191” on the grounds of the Guild Park & Gardens. Lots of community and staff engagement on this one! It is going to show some amazing results when it is all done! Four women who were present are descendants of the original owners of the Guild Inn, Rosa and Spencer Clark!!

My final meeting of the evening was with the Coronation and West Hill Community Association. They represent a larger part of the middle of my Ward, and also a portion of the neighbouring Ward, Ward 44, which is represented by Councillor Ron Moeser.

A number of issues were covered off, many of them dealing with transportation. There was a discussion around the ballooning budget for the Line 2 subway extension from Kennedy to the Scarborough Town Centre. Other than the increasing cost, many are worried what projects will be canceled as the City finds scarce dollars to finance its portion of the project. There was also a lot of discussion about Metrolinx work on the Lakeshore East Line and what it will mean to commuter times. The last topic cover car usage in the community including cars which are short-cutting through neighbourhoods north and south of Kingston Road.

I am seeing more and more in community meetings in Scarborough, the main topic of conversation first and foremost is about transportation. People are very worried how we are going to pay for public transit, how our roads are going to be maintained, and getting from point A to point B.

Meetings done! I ended my day as it began….looking at the news. My usual tool is Twitter and an app on my tablet called “Flipboard” which allows you to format your own reading library which is a great way to get a broad perspective on what’s going on!

My day in a nutshell! Good Night Toronto!

Dear Coronation and West Hill Neighbours….

April 2017

Dear Coronation and West Hill Neighbours,

The big decision at City Council this month…City Council adopted the next steps in the process to build the extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway to the Scarborough Town Centre. In July 2016, City Council voted to build both this station and the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT together with a $2 billion budget… The budget for the subway station alone has risen to $3.5 billion with only 5% of it designed to date. Ridership projections have gone down by 49%. This budgetary increase for the subway station has taken all the money out of the proposed LRT extension to the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus at Ellesmere and Morningside. City Council is now asking the Federal and Provincial governments for additional monetary support.

Community Bus Project Cancelled: This increased budget for the subway extension is also leading to the cancellation of other community projects, including the community bus project we have been advocating for with the TTC for over 5 years.

Transit plans and facts on the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT: Can be viewed on my website. On Monday March 28, I was a member of a panel at a community transportation meeting. During the meeting many residents, including youth made it clear they support the LRT which allows for necessary, better, public transit travel on local roads networks to work, shop and attend school. Light rail transit would also encourage improved business access along LRT routes, as they are above ground where people can see the community and get off where needed, as opposed to longer rides below ground on a subway. The area known as the “Golden Mile” located along Eglinton Avenue at Victoria Park is having a light rail transit built through it. The entire area is being revitalized with residential and business projects. This is what I will continue to fight for in Scarborough East.

Metrolinx GO Transit Projects: As a follow-up to my request for noise barriers along the Lakeshore East Corridor between Guildwood GO Station and Pickering GO Station, Metrolinx has advised they have heard our community’s concerns and will be conducting an additional noise review. This work will focus on reducing the GO Train noise including exploring new technologies being on the tracks and the trains such as rail dampeners. The noise review is to be concluded by the Fall of 2017.

Sir Robert Borden School Job Skills Training Centre and Community Hub: We need better job skills training in eastern Scarborough….not more housing! A joint group will be presenting to the Toronto District School Board’s Real-Estate Division to purchase the site. This group is working closely with City staff and community organizations. I have been hosting regular meetings with interested stakeholders including the East Scarborough Storefront, the Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough, trade union representatives, the University of Toronto Scarborough and Centennial College to house a trade Centre in Scarborough East, with a strong located at the preference for it to be located at Borden with a linked community hub.

Repaving Morningside Avenue & the Morningside Avenue Bridge over Highland Creek: This project includes the repaving of Morningside Avenue from about 30 metres south of Ellesmere Road to about 30 metres north of Kingston Road. The Morningside Avenue bridge with 2 x 1.8m widening of the existing bridge for future bicycle lanes, road and sidewalk improvement. (A new sidewalk will be built on the east side from the north side of the bridge to Ellesmere Road.) The construction is planned to start on April 17, 2017.

Turn Prohibition Morningside Avenue at Warnsworth Street: As requested by the community, turn prohibitions will be installed to limit the number of cars utilizing Warnsworth Street during the morning rush hour: There will be no northbound left turns from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, from Morningside Avenue on to Warnsworth Street. There will also be no southbound right turns from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday from Morningside Avenue on to Warnsworth Street.
By the latest numbers reviewed in a report by City Transportation staff, over 500 vehicles were turning on to Warnsworth Street during this two hour period.

Watch Your Speed Trailer on Morningside Avenue: The Watch Your Speed (WYS) Trailer is scheduled from April 18 to April 21, 2017 to be on southbound on Morningside Avenue, north of Gardentree Street. Residents had brought to my attention vehicles have been speeding on Morningside above the posted 50 km/h speed limit.

Summer Registration for recreation programs: Registration for spring and summer City of Toronto recreation programs, including summer camp is now available. Please visit to view the great selection for all ages.

Toronto Zoo: I am pleased to have been named Chair of the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo. I will work towards making our Toronto Zoo the best in the world.

I welcome you to continue contacting me at:, Tel: 416-396-7222 or visit my constituency office located in the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Boulevard 2nd Floor.

All my Best,

Paul W. Ainslie
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 43 – Scarborough East

Job Fair! Employment at the New Guild Inn Estates!!

Work at the Guild Inn!! Details…

Register by Thursday April 6!

The East Scarborough Storefront and Toronto Employment Social Services are co-hosting a recruitment event for Dynamic Hospitality and Entertainment Group

Dynamic has committed to hiring local community members in their search for 50 positions within the hospitality industry. The positions include cooks, banquet servers, porters, maintenance workers and dishwashers.

Interested residents are asked to contact Yalini to register for the event or if they are seeking assistance in preparing for the event. To Register please contact Yalini at Tel: 416-208-7197 ext. 46 or email

A Spring Update for The Guildwood Area

Spring 2017

Dear Guildwood Neighbours,

The big decision at City Hall…City Council adopted the next steps in the process to build the Line 2 extension of the subway at the Scarborough Town Centre.  In July 2016, City Council voted to have both this station and the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT built together.  Last year the budget was $2 billion, and has now risen to $3.5 billion, while ridership projections have gone down 49%. This budget increase for the subway station has taken all the money out of the LRT extension.  City Council is asking the Federal and Provincial governments for addition monetary support.


Community Bus Project Cancelled: The increased budget for the subway extension is also leading to the cancellation of the community bus project we have been advocating for at the TTC for over 5 years.


Transit plans and facts on the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT can be viewed on my website. On Monday March 28, I was a member of a panel at a community transportation meeting. During the meeting many residents, including youth made it clear they support the LRT which allowed for necessary, better, public transit travel on local roads networks to work, shop and attend school.  Light rail transit would also encourage improved business access along LRT routes, as they are above ground where people can see the community and get off where needed, as opposed to longer stops below ground on a subway.  The area known as the “Golden Mile” located along Eglinton Avenue at Victoria Park is receiving light rail transit. The entire area is being revitalized with residential and business opportunities.  This is what I will continue to fight for in Scarborough East.


Guild Park and Gardens Guild Inn Estates and Arts Facility Development

The Guild Inn Estates is scheduled to host a grand opening in early June.  The building which I had an opportunity to tour, is beautiful, and will be a wonderful main entrance to the park!  I look forward to seeing you at the grand opening!


Local residents and community groups have been asked submit names to properly identify the arts structure known commonly as “Building 191”.  The list will be sent to residents for a final vote to select the name.  Please look for your opportunity to cast your vote.  The link will be posted on my website.


An Open House on the arts facility development in Guild Park & Gardens was held on April 4, 2017.  City staff along with the architectural team introduced the plans and proposed schematic design for the new centre.  If you were not able to attend and have questions please contact Susan Kohler at 416-396-5142 or email<>.


Metrolinx projects:  As a follow-up to my request for noise barriers along the Lakeshore East Corridor expansion between Guildwood GO Station and Pickering GO Station, Metrolinx has advised they have heard our concerns and have moved forward in conducting an additional noise review.  This review will focus on reducing the noise at the source including exploring new technologies being developed worldwide, reviewing available technologies placed on the tracks and the trains such as rail dampeners. The noise review is to be concluded by the Fall of 2017.


Toronto Zoo: I am pleased to have been named the Chair of the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo.  I will work towards making our Toronto Zoo the best in the world. For any news on the zoo please visit


Disconnecting your downspouts: You may apply for an exemption by calling 416-392-1807.  If it is feasible to disconnect your downspout you can do it yourself or hire a reputable contractor.


Your water usage: Residents and businesses can now track their water use online – anytime, anywhere. Log on today at <>

Summer registration for recreation programs visit<>.


The Guild Alive with Culture Art Festival being held on July 29 through to July 30, 2017 needs your support.  Volunteer and get involved in your community.  Please visit the festival site @<>.


And last but not least….I want your feedback! I would like residents to give feedback on my performance as your City Councillor. To contribute to my understanding of how I can better serve all of the people. Please go to my website to fill it out.


I welcome you to continue contacting me at<>, Tel: 416-396-7222 or visit my constituency office located in the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Boulevard 2nd Floor.




City Councillor Paul Ainslie

Ward 43 – Scarborough East

City of Toronto

Spring Report for the Curran Hall Community

Spring 2017

Dear Curran Hall Neighbours,

I had the pleasure of hosting a Town Hall meeting at GB Little Public School in January.
Residents raised a number of issues from public transit to municipal standard issues. One of the main topics included the need to improve public transit on Scarborough Golf Club Road and Orton Park Road. With the TTC placing our request for a community bus on hold due to budget restrictions, residents are asking for the Highland Creek 38 or the York Mills 95 bus route to travel along Scarborough Golf Club Road, Brimorton Drive, and Orton Park Road. I require your written support to help push this request at the TTC. Please email your support to

Request for right turn lane: Orton Park Rd at Ellesmere Road: Transportation Services staff have concluded 60% -70 % of northbound traffic on Orton Park Road made either a left turn on to Ellesmere Road or continued north to Military Trail. Military Trail is also not directly aligned with Orton Park Road. A dedicated right-turn hand turn lane for northbound traffic has a potential for increased collisions. Transportation Services is not supporting this request.

Request for speed limit reduction on Orton Park Drive at GB Little Public School: I have submitted a request to have the speed limit reduced on Orton Park Drive specifically at GB Little Public School. Several residents raised this concern at the January Town Hall meeting. This type of request is analyzed by Transportation Services. I will share their study with the community when it is completed.

Disconnecting your downspouts: You may apply for an exemption by calling 416-392-1807. If it is feasible to disconnect your downspout you can do it yourself or hire a reputable contractor.

Your water usage: Residents and businesses can now track their water use online – anytime, anywhere. Log on today at

Summer registration for recreation programs: visit

I want your feedback: I would like residents to give feedback on my performance as your City Councillor. To contribute to my understanding of how I can better serve all of the people. Please go to my website to fill it out.

Please contact me at Tel: 416-396-7222 or visit my Constituency Office located in the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Boulevard 2nd Floor.


Paul W. Ainslie City Councillor
Ward 43, Scarborough East