Back to School: COVID-19 Vaccinations, Guidance and Traffic Safety Campaign

Dear Neighbours,

I would like to wish the best of luck to all the students, teachers, educators and staff who headed back to school this week!

A safe return to school or campus is a top priority this fall. If you haven’t already received your COVID-19 vaccine, drop-in to one of the City’s clinics and get the best protection. Visit the COVID-19: How to Get Vaccinated pages for more details.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination program, all of the City-run immunization clinics will administer other critical immunization programs. Students in high school who did not receive their vaccines in grades 7 or grade 8 can now also receive these routine vaccines. TPH will provide these vaccinations to current grade 7 and grade 9 students who are eligible students this Fall. Parents and students can now book an appointment to get their vaccines at city-run immunization sites at

With in-person learning resuming this year, I would like to remind students, teachers and staff to follow COVID-19 guidance and protocols, wear your mask when required, practice proper hand hygiene and physical distancing. More information on COVID-19 guidance in school settings can be found here.

The return to school increases vehicle traffic as well as the number of people walking or cycling. As students make their way back to class, I would like to remind all road users to be mindful of their surroundings, share the road, stay alert and obey the rules to ensure everyone’s safety!

In efforts to keep everyone safe on the road, the City is continuing work to implement several Vision Zero Road Safety Plan programs including Automated Speed Enforcement cameras in Community Safety Zones, School Crossing Guard Programs with over 700 crossing guards placed across the city, installation of over 300 School Safety Zones, Pedestrian Head Start Signals and Speed limit reduction efforts.

The Toronto Police Services also launched its Back-to-School Traffic Safety Campaign focusing enforcement around School Safety Zones from September 9 to 17. Officers will be watching out for drivers who choose to speed, park illegally or drive distracted, impaired or aggressively around schools in the city.

Sending my best wishes to everyone for a safe and successful school year!

All my Best,


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