Back to School, Dogs in the City and Garden Awards

Dear Neighbours,

With back to school just around the corner, I am sure many students, parents and families are concerned and curious about the 2021-2022 back to school plan. Last week, the Ministry of Education released the COVID-19: health, safety and operational guidance for schools (2021-2022) that will guide the safe return to classrooms. The class of 2021-2022 students will be returning to classrooms full-time in September, with remote learning as an option. Staff and students grade 1 and up are required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors, including hallways and during classes and on school vehicles.

The Ministry of Education also announced that team sports, field trips and extracurricular activities will be permitted along with assemblies and recess. For more information please review the COVID-19 guide: health and safety measures at schools.

As we continue to enjoy the outdoors this summer, I would like to remind dog owners to keep dogs on leash in public, unless you are in a designated dogs off-leash area. Please, ensure that you pick up after your dogs and dispose of doggy bags in a Green Bin. The City has Green Bins for organic waste in all dog off-leash areas in parks. Also, please respect the natural environment in parks and trails. Dog owners can learn more at

This summer I rode my bike throughout Ward 24 admiring the many beautiful gardens in our community. This year nearly 3,700 garden awards were delivered across Scarborough-Guildwood! I would like to thank everyone again for their contribution in making Scarborough a more beautiful place to live!

With summer coming close to an end, I would like to remind everyone when enjoying City parks and public spaces to please keep them clean and safe. The City has placed garbage and recycling bins in public spaces for you to place litter where it belongs. Let us all do our part and help keep Toronto’s streets, sidewalks, beaches and parks safe and clean! Learn more on what you can do at

Thank you!

All my Best,