#COVID Update for October 6, 2020

Dear Ward 24 Neighbours,

I want to thank everyone for your efforts during these difficult times. Let us all remember that this will soon pass as we continue to keep each other safe. Our mental health is paramount and it is important that we take care of ourselves and seek support if needed.

I cannot stress enough the serious situation at hand as COVID-19 cases in Toronto and across the province continue to rise. It is very important that we adhere to public health advice to practice physical distancing, wash hands as often as possible and to wear a mask or face covering where mandatory or when physical distancing cannot be maintained. For more information please refer to the mandatory physical distancing bylaw and the mandatory mask or face covering bylaw or www.toronto.ca/covid-19.

Thanksgiving weekend is fast approaching, I am stressing for everyone to be responsible when planning their Thanksgiving celebrations. The Medical Officer of Health urges people to not hold a big Thanksgiving dinners and to please limit celebrations to people living in the same household. For those that live alone, the safest option is to join with others virtually. These are vital decisions and actions we must take to fight the resurgence of COVID-19.

While you may feel small private gatherings may be harmless, it has been found that many areas in the City are seeing over 10% rate of positivity, reported by the Toronto Star. Parts of Scarborough are showing COVID-19 test positivity rates above 7% in areas around Morningside Heights, Kennedy and Eglington, and Ellesmere and Bellamy. These rates are much greater than the 1% desired manageable caseload or a 3% health crisis indication. Remember to stay safe and keep those around you safe.

Put your social bubbles or circles on hold. It is advised that everyone allow close contact only with people living in their own household and maintain two metres physically distanced from everyone else.

The Province has implemented new testing measures this week which include transitioning to pre-registered testing and expanding testing centres across the province. A list of Scarborough testing centres and preregistration information can be found HERE. Scarborough testing locations include: Birchmount Hospital (3030 Birchmount Rd.) Centenary Hospital (2867 Ellesmere Rd.) and *NEW* Scarborough General Hospital (3050 Lawrence Ave. E.)

Contact tracing is very important in recognizing community spread. Toronto Public Health encourages residents to download the COVID Alert app, which can help notify individuals who are exposed to COVID-19 in the community. City of Toronto businesses are also encouraged to display a new poster promoting the COVID-19 Alert app to help mitigate the spread of infections.

City of Toronto COVID-19 Case Update (Data as of October 5, 2020): There has been an increase of 217 COVID-19 cases in the City of Toronto. Through the pandemic City has seen a total of 21,142 cases of COVID-19, of these, 17,462 cases have recovered, an increase of 219 cases from the day before. There are 83 people currently hospitalized, an increase of 9 cases from the day before. To this date, there have been 1,307 COVID-19 deaths in Toronto, an increase of 2 deaths from the day before. These totals include 73 cases, 78 deaths and 8 hospitalizations due to data cleaning. These totals include 73 cases, 78 deaths and 8 hospitalizations due to data cleaning.Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform.

Ontario surpasses four million COVID-19 tests since the beginning of the pandemic and continues to lead the country in both the number of tests completed and daily testing capacity. To ensure the province’s health care system is prepared for the second wave of COVID-19, the government will add more testing locations to improve access and reduce wait times, as well as increase processing capacity within the provincial laboratory network. More information can be read in the news release.

Toronto’s 2020-2021 winter plan for people experiencing homelessness includes more spaces and enhanced street outreach. Homelessness is an extremely complex issue and the City of Toronto continues to experience significant demand for emergency shelter. To ensure safe and welcoming places for people who need them during the coming winter weather, the City is providing details about the 2020-2021 winter service plan.

The winter plan will provide approximately 560 new spaces between November and April through a combination of shelter beds, hotel programs and supportive housing units. This compares to 485 spaces offered through last year’s winter services plan.  Additional space will also be activated at Warming Centres during Extreme Cold Weather Alerts.

This will be the fifth consecutive year that the City has increased the number of spaces available throughout the winter season. Spaces will be made available through the following:

  1. 100, 24-hour respite site spaces at the CNE, Better Living Centre
  2. 150 beds in hotel programs
  3. 90 hotel beds as a replacement for the Out of the Cold program

More information can be read in the news release.

REMINDER: Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough: FREE Winter Clothing Drive. The Youth Department at Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough is preparing a Winter Clothing Drive for the residents at Lido Motel at 4674 Kingston Road on TOMORROW October 7, 2020 from 3PM to 6PM.

They are asking for donations of gently used clothing and shoes. Winter jackets and sweaters are mostly needed. Items can be dropped off at 100 Galloway Rd. If you require items to be picked up, please email efranklyn@esbgc.ca to make arrangements. Thank you in advance.

Toronto Zoo Thanksgiving Zoo Connections. Bring the Zoo to You this Thanksgiving with Zoo Connections. Invite your favourite animal to be part of your Thanksgiving dinner with one of Your Toronto Zoo’s Virtual Meet and Greet or bring the family together and go on a virtual tour of the Zoo. Learn more at www.torontozoo.com/zootoyou

Youthlink’s YAC Presents: Virtual Paint Night Fundraiser. Youthlink’s YAC members present a virtual paint night fundraiser, raising donations for platforms within the black community. The fundraise will be held on Wednesday October 21, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM online. There is a fee of $10.00. More information and how to register can be found here.

Water Source – Not Down the Drain. Do you know what can and can’t go down your drain? Putting the wrong things down your pipes can cause basement flooding; pollute streams, rivers and the Lak; and clog City pipes resulting in expensive repairs. Find out more at www.toronto.ca/notdownthedrain

The Virtual Salmon Festival at Highland Creek. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is celebrating the Salmon Festival at Highland Creek virtually this week! TRCA has created educational and engaging videos about salmon to watch from the comfort of your own home. These videos, along with other materials is available on their website here.

Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough Virtual Annual General Meeting. The Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough is hosting their virtual AGM on Thursday October 8, 2020 from 7PM to 8:30PM. Join to have the opportunity to hear about, and vote on, the business and events of the Club over 2019. More information and details on registration can be found here. Be sure to register by TODAY October 6, 2020.

Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre: Change to Class Capacities. With the recent changes made by the Government of Ontario to COVID Public Health measures, in-person group fitness classes will now be limited to 10 participants. You can book you fitness classes here. Facility members can continue to enjoy access to virtual classes included as part of your membership available at www.video.tpasc.ca in addition to in-person classes.

TTC Concerns by A Voice for Transit Survey. A Voice for Transit is a transit advocacy group composed of current Ryerson University students and alumni. The TTC is conducting stakeholder consultations to help shape their 2021 Annual Services Plan. A Voice for Transit wants to represent your concerns. Take their survey HERE.

2021 Annual Service Plan Survey. The TTC is preparing its 2021 Annual Service Plan and wants your feedback! Three main categories they would like your feedback on: Emerging priorities for 2021: Express bus service evaluation and expansion; and other service improvements. Visit this LINK to take the survey.

CafeTO Survey. We want your feedback on CaféTO! We need your input on possible changes, improvements, and other supports for the program. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and share. Please visit this LINK to fill out the survey by October 12, 2020.

City of Toronto Waste Wizard. The City of Toronto’s Waste Wizard helps you find out what waste items go where! You can visit the Waste Wizard online or download the TOwaste app.

Please click here for a list of food banks and soup kitchens in the Ward 24

Please click here for a list of food banks in East Scarborough

Please click here for a list of food banks in Scarborough

Please remember to call ahead to book to ensure they are properly stocked. For those interested in volunteering, food banks are always looking for volunteers, so please feel free to save and share this information.

Check out all Scarborough-Guildwood’s past Live Town Meetings on my YouTube channel!

Scarborough-Guildwood’s Live Town Halls provide the community with up to date information, supports and resources throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Boys’ and Girls’ Club of East Scarborough Scoop

Check out the ESBGC latest Bi-Weekly School HERE. Subscribe HERE.

insidehousing: News from Toronto Community Housing

Check out their latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE.

*NEW* BusinessTO Newsletter: BusinessTO’s upcoming webinars and online events

Check out their latest newsletter HERE. Subscribe HERE.

What’s On at the Library: Home Edition

Check out the latest copy HERE. Subscribe HERE.

Our KGO Updates: East Scarborough Storefront’s crowd-sourced e-newsletter

Check out their latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE. Please take a moment to fill out this Community Check-In Survey!

TDSB Trustee Update by Ward 19 Scarborough-Guildwood Trustee Zakir Patel

Check out the latest issue HERE. Subscribe HERE.

Toronto Zoo Press Releases

Latest issue HERE. Contact achambers@torontozoo.ca to subscribe.

Confronting Anti-Black Racism Summer Newsletter 2020

To read the latest news from the City’s Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit please click here.

Essential Government Information for COVID -19 

Public Health’s information line & 311 are experiencing high call volumes. Residents can get the information they need online at www.toronto.ca 

If you need info on COVID-19, please visit the following websites: 

City of Toronto

Province of Ontario

Government of Canada

World Health Organization

Official Global Travel Advisory

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.

The City of Toronto’s website can be translated into many languages using the GoogleTM Translate tool. This tool gives residents and visitors who speak other languages a way of accessing City information featured on the website. To change languages on the City of Toronto website, please click here: www.toronto.ca/home/translate/

I am continuously updating my social media platforms and my website with up to date information:


Website: www.paulainslie.com

You can also reach me by: telephone at 416-396-7222 or email me at councillor_ainslie@toronto.ca

All my Best,  
