Friday March 27, 2020 COVID-19 Information Update

March 27, 2020 

Dear Neighbours, 

Today, Premier Doug Ford addressed the province with an emergency alert warning to travellers returning to Ontario urging them to comply and self-isolate for 14 days and to not visit stores, family or friends. The Premier placed emphasis on the high risk of those travellers returning and to stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Additionally, the Ontario Government announced additional supports to businesses and workers to help get through this crisis. An allocation amount of $10 billion in tax deferrals to improve cashflow including:

  • $6 billion in tax deferrals from a 5 month penalty-free period to make payments on majority of provincially administered taxes; 
  • $1.9 billion in WSIB payment deferrals for up to 6 months; and 
  • Deferring property taxes to school boards by 90 days

See more details in Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19, accessed here:  

Additionally, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced this morning that the government is to cover 75% of wages for qualifying businesses. This is an update to the original response measure of a small business subsidy to cover 10% of wages for qualifying businesses. 

The City of Toronto’s inviting business owners to complete a City survey to share how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting their business, and what information or supports they need. The survey can be accessed here:  

The City of Toronto is urging Landlords and Condo Boards to adopt new health and safety measures to protect residents from COVID-19. Large residential buildings with a high number of units require new practice and a rigorous cleaning routine to prevent viral spread. The full news release can be accessed here:

Earlier this week the Government of Canada announced the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), which provides workers affected by COVID-19 crisis $2000 a month for up to four months. 

The CERB replaces two previously announced measures, the Emergency Care and Emergency Support Benefit, both of which were dependent on the Employment Insurance (EI) system and application. Find more details and how to qualify and apply for CERB here:

For more COVID-19 response supports, please visit this website:  

You can also reach me by telephone at 416-396-7222 or email me at 

All my Best, 


March 26, 2020 – COVID – 19 Update

March 26, 2020

Dear Ward 24 Neighbours, 

I’m writing today to give you a further update on the City’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

City staff in the Emergency Operations Centre and all essential and critical services are working around-the-clock to respond to this crisis to keep us safe. 

These are unprecedented times and I am continuing to receive multiple updates each day on the City’s response and I am committed to sharing this information with you through my social media channels and in email updates like this. I have included the latest important information from the City below. 

Right now, I can’t express enough how important it is to stay home, practise physical distancing, work from home where possible and only go out for essentials. These actions, which many of you are already doing, will help to protect you but also your family, friends and all those who work in essential services. 

Thank you for everything that you’re doing to help stop the spread and please continue to urge others to do the same.

Please see the following Key Messages for the day on COVID-19 updates from the City of Toronto:

Mayor John Tory announced today that business owners are invited to complete this City survey to share how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting their business, and what information or supports they and their employees need. The survey will also be sent to more than 20,000 businesses as well as Business Improvement Associations.

If you have a complaint about a business still operating, whether is it a non-essential business still running, or an essential business running without taking proper steps to protect its workers, please call (not email) 311. Please be patient and expect high call volumes. Complaints are logged and sent to a compliance team which will assign an officer to review and investigate.

The deadline to cancel the TTC’s 12 Month Pass plan and Autorenew for the TTC Monthly Pass have been extended until 11:59 p.m. on March 27, 2020. TTC will waive all cancellation fees, including any previous discounts received for the TTC Monthly Pass. Residents may still see a notification regarding cancellation fees on the PRESTO app or website, however, we ask that they please disregard this message. More information can be found here: 

Please see today’s update by the KGO for information regarding resources and supports available in the community including information on:

·         New Financial Supports: What you need to know

·         Worker’s Rights During COVID-19: Free webinar TODAY

·         Financial Resources for Business Owners

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services and social supports.  for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.

You can also reach me by telephone at 416-396-7222 or email me at 

All my Best, 
