Update on Snow Clean-up as Off 6PM Sunday January 20, 2019

Good Evening Ward 24 Residents,

For the forecast snowstorm of January 19 & 20, here is an update on City of Toronto Transportation Services’  winter operations plans as of Sunday January 20 at 6pm.


***Note:  These plans are estimates only and subject to changing conditions such as timing of the event and the amount of precipitation.****


Fair weather for the rest of the day. Temperatures will hold steady or slightly fall through the day ranging between -18 to -15C with wind chill between -30 to -25. For tonight, expect temperatures in the low minus 20’s with wind chill near -35. Dry conditions are forecast for Monday but only slightly warmer. More seasonal for Tuesday ahead of the next system. It’s looking like more snow developing after midnight into Wednesday and then likely mixing with rain at some point during the day. A preliminary estimate would be something around 5 cm of a denser snow, but it’s far too early to say for sure.

Note:  While the snow has mostly moved out, high winds combined with cold temperatures will prolong our cleanup operations particularly on the main roads.  We are working to clear as many roads, sidewalks and cycling lanes as possible in advance of the Monday am commute.


Roadway Salting:

– Salting operations commenced Saturday morning and are continuing in association with roadway plowing.  All local roads have been salted.

– Multiple rounds (4 – 5) of salt have been required on the main roads since the snow began


Roadway Plowing:

–  Plowing operations on the main roads commenced at approx. 4pm Saturday and continued through the overnight period.  Multiple rounds (3 – 4) of plowing have been required due to drifting.

– Cleanup operations will continue overnight as required and through Monday or until the winds dissipate

– Plowing operations on local roads commenced at approx. 11pm Saturday.  This operation will be completed in all areas by approx. 6pm Sunday evening.

– Cleanup operations on local roads focussing on SR response, missed streets, driveways and parked car locations will continue on Monday.


Trails & Separated Bike Lanes:

– Salting & plowing of the Martin Goodman Trail & Humber Bay Waterfront Trail commenced Saturday morning.  Three rounds of salt with plowing have been applied.  Operations will continue overnight as required in response to drifting locations.

– Salting & plowing of the separated bike lanes commenced Saturday morning.  Three rounds of salt with plowing have been applied.  Operations will continue overnight as required in response to drifting locations.

Sidewalks & Bus Stops:

– A second round of sidewalk clearing on high and low volume sidewalks commenced in all areas at approx. 8am Sunday and will be completed by approx. 12am Monday.

– A third round of sidewalk clearing may be required on Monday due to high winds, drifting snow and cold temperatures.

And  a reminder to look in on your elderly neighbours and those who may have mobility issues.

For up to the minute updates please follow Transportation Services on Twitter at @TO_WinterOps and on our real-time public GPS site at  http://www.toronto.ca/plowto

The City IT staff are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with the plowTO app and are working to resolve these as quickly as possible.


All my Best,




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