Job Skills Training Centre Needed

July 6, 2017

Dear Ward43 Residents,

I am reaching out to residents to contact Mitzie Hunter M.P.P. to ask for immediate action be taken for a Scarborough East Job Skills Training Centre/Community Hub.  With the school closure of Robert L. Borden BTI at 200 Poplar Road an excellent opportunity to open a Job Skills Training Centre/Community Hub is long overdue.  The province government needs to act now to ensure the site is not sold to a developer.  We need youth employment not 200 – 300 townhouses.

The unemployment rate in Scarborough East stands at 12.7%, in sharp contrast to the City of Toronto’s current unemployment rate of 7.5%.  The Province needs to act now to help Scarborough residents, especially our youth meet their potential by ensuring they have training to find sustainable full-time jobs.

Please contact the Honourable Mitzie Hunter M.P.P. to voice your support and tell her to halt any sale of this property. The priority is to build a Scarborough Job Skills Training Centre/Community Hub. Please Email M.P.P. Hunter at: or call Tel: (416) 281-2787.  Please copy me on your correspondence

The 2011 Census Canada statistics reports that 50% of residents in eastern Scarborough only have a post-secondary education. This further indicates access to better job opportunities are badly needed.  A Job Skills Training Centre/Community Hub would help residents have the services required to see the Neighbourhood Improvement Area designations removed once and for all

All My Best,

Paul W. Ainslie