My City….My Six

Dear Residents of Ward 43,

My City My Six is a project based on the six word story concept that was popularized by Smith Magazine. This project is inviting Torontonians to submit their story that best tells their existence and experience in our city in only six words. The project hopes to use these stories to celebrate the diverse living that make up this great city.

In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary this public project will tell a story of Toronto and its residents in only six words. Torontonians of all ages and backgrounds can submit their essential six-word stories from January through May 2017 to be later selected from, by a jury, for a city-wide exhibition for the fall of 2017.

Stories can be submitted via email to please include first name, name of your neighbourhood and your age. However, anonymous submissions are also accepted!

This project is led by Toronto Arts and Culture in collaboration with the city’s six local arts service organizations including Scarborough Arts.

These six-word stories can also be submitted through workshops and events held at local arts service organizations. Join Scarborough Arts at their upcoming My City My Six Writing Workshop at Bluffs Gallery on May 28 at 1859 Kingston Road from 1pm to 3pm. For more information please visit

The words that I have chosen are: Proud to call Toronto my home. I encourage you all to write a submission which can be selected to for the September and October 2017 exhibit around the city. Spaces of the fall 2017 exhibit will include Toronto City Hall, The TTC and many other public spaces.


All my Best,

