Dear Coronation and West Hill Neighbours….

April 2017

Dear Coronation and West Hill Neighbours,

The big decision at City Council this month…City Council adopted the next steps in the process to build the extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway to the Scarborough Town Centre. In July 2016, City Council voted to build both this station and the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT together with a $2 billion budget… The budget for the subway station alone has risen to $3.5 billion with only 5% of it designed to date. Ridership projections have gone down by 49%. This budgetary increase for the subway station has taken all the money out of the proposed LRT extension to the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus at Ellesmere and Morningside. City Council is now asking the Federal and Provincial governments for additional monetary support.

Community Bus Project Cancelled: This increased budget for the subway extension is also leading to the cancellation of other community projects, including the community bus project we have been advocating for with the TTC for over 5 years.

Transit plans and facts on the Eglinton East Crosstown LRT: Can be viewed on my website. On Monday March 28, I was a member of a panel at a community transportation meeting. During the meeting many residents, including youth made it clear they support the LRT which allows for necessary, better, public transit travel on local roads networks to work, shop and attend school. Light rail transit would also encourage improved business access along LRT routes, as they are above ground where people can see the community and get off where needed, as opposed to longer rides below ground on a subway. The area known as the “Golden Mile” located along Eglinton Avenue at Victoria Park is having a light rail transit built through it. The entire area is being revitalized with residential and business projects. This is what I will continue to fight for in Scarborough East.

Metrolinx GO Transit Projects: As a follow-up to my request for noise barriers along the Lakeshore East Corridor between Guildwood GO Station and Pickering GO Station, Metrolinx has advised they have heard our community’s concerns and will be conducting an additional noise review. This work will focus on reducing the GO Train noise including exploring new technologies being on the tracks and the trains such as rail dampeners. The noise review is to be concluded by the Fall of 2017.

Sir Robert Borden School Job Skills Training Centre and Community Hub: We need better job skills training in eastern Scarborough….not more housing! A joint group will be presenting to the Toronto District School Board’s Real-Estate Division to purchase the site. This group is working closely with City staff and community organizations. I have been hosting regular meetings with interested stakeholders including the East Scarborough Storefront, the Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough, trade union representatives, the University of Toronto Scarborough and Centennial College to house a trade Centre in Scarborough East, with a strong located at the preference for it to be located at Borden with a linked community hub.

Repaving Morningside Avenue & the Morningside Avenue Bridge over Highland Creek: This project includes the repaving of Morningside Avenue from about 30 metres south of Ellesmere Road to about 30 metres north of Kingston Road. The Morningside Avenue bridge with 2 x 1.8m widening of the existing bridge for future bicycle lanes, road and sidewalk improvement. (A new sidewalk will be built on the east side from the north side of the bridge to Ellesmere Road.) The construction is planned to start on April 17, 2017.

Turn Prohibition Morningside Avenue at Warnsworth Street: As requested by the community, turn prohibitions will be installed to limit the number of cars utilizing Warnsworth Street during the morning rush hour: There will be no northbound left turns from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, from Morningside Avenue on to Warnsworth Street. There will also be no southbound right turns from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday from Morningside Avenue on to Warnsworth Street.
By the latest numbers reviewed in a report by City Transportation staff, over 500 vehicles were turning on to Warnsworth Street during this two hour period.

Watch Your Speed Trailer on Morningside Avenue: The Watch Your Speed (WYS) Trailer is scheduled from April 18 to April 21, 2017 to be on southbound on Morningside Avenue, north of Gardentree Street. Residents had brought to my attention vehicles have been speeding on Morningside above the posted 50 km/h speed limit.

Summer Registration for recreation programs: Registration for spring and summer City of Toronto recreation programs, including summer camp is now available. Please visit to view the great selection for all ages.

Toronto Zoo: I am pleased to have been named Chair of the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo. I will work towards making our Toronto Zoo the best in the world.

I welcome you to continue contacting me at:, Tel: 416-396-7222 or visit my constituency office located in the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Boulevard 2nd Floor.

All my Best,

Paul W. Ainslie
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 43 – Scarborough East

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