2024.SE5.3 - Transportation Services 311 Service Request Integration

2024.SE5.2 - Service Delivery Between Municipal Licensing and Standards and 311

2024.SE5.1 - City Boulevard Tree Removal and Replacement Process

2024.GG16.16 - iOS AirDrop Functionality for Members of Council

2024.GG16.15 - Improving the Public Spaces around Nathan Phillips Square and Toronto City Hall

2024.MM22.18 - Enhancing Senior Registration for Recreation Programs and Activities - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2024.IE16.7 - Enforcement of By-laws - Illegal Bike Lane Parking

2024.SC15.17 - Pegasus Trail - Traffic Calming (Speed Humps)

2024.EC14.2 - Night Economy Manifesto

2024.MM19.12 - Amending Item 2021.MM37.24 - Authorization to Release Section 37 Funds from the Development at 587 to 599 Yonge Street Development to the 519 Community Centre for Capital Improvements - by Councillor Chris Moise, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2024.MM19.24 - Review of Major Events Policy - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2024.EX14.13 - 130th Edition of the Good Roads Conference April 21 - 24, 2024

2024.EX14.12 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Report to City Council

2024.ST6.3 - Council Member Appointments to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors

2024.SC13.18 - Oakmeadow Boulevard Parking Regulations

2024.SC13.19 - Military Trail and Bonspiel Drive Parking Regulation Changes

PH12.3 - Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Major Streets Study - Final Report

5a-Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Lost)

1. City Council amend proposed Official Plan Amendment 727, appended as Attachment 1 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning by excluding properties designated Neighbourhoods abutting Guildwood Parkway.

2. City Council amend the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, appended as Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (May 21, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, by excluding properties in the Residential Zone category abutting Guildwood Parkway.

5b-Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

City Council direct the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back through Planning and Housing Committee, as part of the Major Streets monitoring program, on:

A. a review of the criteria to determine if Guildwood Parkway is properly classified as a major street on Map 3 of the Official Plan, such review to consider:
1. the nature of the Scarborough Bluffs Erosion abutting Guildwood Parkway;
2. Guildwood Parkway’s planned transportation function;
3. the presence of a significant 88-acre natural landmark Guild Park and Gardens; and
4. any other criteria that would relate to Guildwood Parkway being classified as major street on Map 3 of the Official Plan;

B. the implications for City service delivery and for planning of removing Guildwood Parkway from Map 3 of the Official Plan; and

C. in consideration of Recommendations 3.a. and 3.b. above, recommendations for appropriate Official Plan amendments and Zoning By-law amendments for townhouses and for small-scale apartment buildings on Guildwood Parkway.

EX14.3 - Extending the Mandate of the City’s Chief Information Security Officer

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That the Executive Committee amend Recommendation 2.b. so that it now reads:

2.b. established international cyber security standards including International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 27001, Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagement (SSAE), the International Society of Automation / the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISA/IEC), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) NIST 800-171 and NIST 800-171A, and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and

GG10.15 - Options and Opportunities to Enhance City Technology and Protect Confidential Documents

SC11.14 - Right Turn Prohibition at Military Trail and Ellesmere Road

MM16.5 - Support for the Canadian Independent Music Association

MM16.4 - Night Economy Manifesto

MM16.3 - Request the Province of Ontario Undertake a Comprehensive Review of the Cannabis Control Act, 2017

MM16.2 - Support Bill 152, Chad’s Law (Enforcing Safer Passing) 2023 - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

IA16.1 - New Linear Park for Scarborough in Review

CC15.1 - Budget Implementation Including Property Tax Rates, User Fees and Related Matters

4 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

1. City Council request the Mayor to consider including the full costs to deliver the Winter Windrow Clearing Program in future year proposed budgets for Transportation Services.
2. City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and any other relevant City Divisions, to meet with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff to understand opportunities for collaboration with the Black Creek Pioneer Village for cultural and community events.
3. City Council request the Executive Director, Financial Planning, to review viable options and explore opportunities for funding operational and capital financial requirements of the Black Creek Pioneer Village and present any recommendations for consideration during the 2025 budget process.

EX11.8 - RapidTO: Surface Transit Network Plan

3 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

1. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to put in place any new way-finding, transportation signage in the Eglinton Avenue East/Kingston Road/Morningside Avenue RapidTO route, as they are implemented on other routes, to harmonize all RapidTO routes infrastructure.

IE10.4 - Endangered Species Habitat Replacement on Public Lands

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried) That City Council amend the Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation by adding the words “and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority” after the words “in consultation with other Divisions” so that it now reads as follows:

1. City Council direct the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Acting General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with other Divisions and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority as appropriate, to review and report to Infrastructure and Environment Committee, by the third quarter of 2024, on applicable policies concerning the use of City property to create replacement habitat for the purposes of the Endangered Species Act, 2007, with such report:

a. taking into account the province’s failure to adequately protect species at risk, as documented by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario in the 2017 Environmental Protection Report, titled Good Choices, Bad Choices; and

b. identifying any potential policy or planning process improvements which may assist in providing a net gain for the affected species, including requiring at least two high quality replacement habitats for each existing habitat destroyed.

2024.SC10.1 - 3855-3863 Lawrence Avenue East - Fire Route

2023.MM13.11 - Renaming the Stadium at Centennial Park - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

2023.MM13.33 - Display of 988 Crisis Line Information Poster - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2023.GG8.29 - Parking Infractions Seamless Reporting

2023.EX10.21 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors Meeting September 14, 2023

2023.MM12.5 - 1 and 21 Lochleven Drive - Request for the City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2023.EX9.17 - Ontario Good Road Association Board Quarterly Committee meetings and Board meeting update on Thursday September 28 and Friday September 29, 2023

2023.SC8.2 - 3379 to 3385 Lawrence Avenue East - Zoning Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That Recommendation 3 be amended by adding

"c. Workout proper logistics on site during and post development to ensure: Wheel Trans pickup and drop off accessibility for the residents at the existing building and the new development; front lobby wheelchair accessibility; front lobby amenities accessibility; laundry room accessibility; visitors and support staff parking access; and emergency services accessibility, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning."

2023.EX8.10 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors Meeting September 5-15, 2023

2023.EC6.8 - Heron Park Outdoor Pool Late Night Swimming and Extended Hours

2023.IE6.7 - Military Trail Road Reconstruction

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried) (on behalf of Councillor Ainslie)

That Infrastructure and Environment Committee:

1. Request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the Chief Procurement Officer to report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on how construction general contractors contracted by the City of Toronto are evaluated and how their performance may be taken into account on future contracts.

2. Request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, to report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the First Quarter of 2024 with an evaluation of the of the contract management model that the City uses to oversee infrastructure work done by contractors.

2023.EC5.3 - Theatre Review for Inclusivity and Equity

2023.EX5.7 - Open Data Centralized Platform and Compliance Standards

2023.IA7.1 - Military Trail Road Reconstruction

2023.MM6.39 - 4097 Lawrence Avenue East and 197 to 201 Galloway Road - Technical Amendment to By-law 251-2022 - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie

2023.EX4.12 - The Good Roads Conference April 16-19, 2023

2023.EX4.11 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors Meeting March 7-9, 2023

2023.EX3.13 - Community Safety Issues and Response

6 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)


1. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to provide a comprehensive Briefing Note to the City Manager on the building and operating of its publicly accessible wifi and telecommunications network used throughout the transit system.

2. City Council request the City Manager to submit a report that includes the Briefing Note to the June 6, 2023, meeting of the Executive Committee.

2023.EX3.4 - City of Toronto Relationship Framework for the Toronto Parking Authority - Motion to Amend the item: that: City Council request the Board of Directors of Toronto Parking Authority to report on the feasibility of providing parking discounts to veterans at their April 21, 2023 meeting.

2023.EC3.15 - Respecting Deceased Homeless in Toronto

2023.EC3.14 - Night Economy Manifesto

2023.EC3.13 - Review of policies and procedures related to Warming Centres On May 12, City Council declared a homelessness emergency in the City of Toronto. 2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried) That: City Council declare a homelessness emergency in the City of Toronto.

2023.MM5.5 - Support for the City of Montreal's Motion regarding a High-speed Train in the Quebec-Toronto Corridor

2023.MM5.42 - Accepting an in-kind donation to convert the outdoor basketball courts into fully accessible courts at Confederation Park Ward 24

2023.EX3.12 - Ontario Good Road Association Board Quarterly Committee meetings and Board meeting update

2023.MM3.6 - 4097 Lawrence Avenue East and 197 to 201 Galloway Road  - Technical Amendment to By-law 251-2022

2023.EX2.6 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors Meetings and Advocacy Days

2023.EC1.9 - Review Of Extreme Weather Supports For Homeless And Under-Housed Individuals

1.  Economic and Community Development Committee request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to consult with the Medical Officer of Health and relevant medical experts to examine and revise the environmental conditions required to declare an Extreme Cold Weather Alert, prioritizing the minimization of loss of life and cold-related injury and report to the April 25, 2023 meeting on:
a. aligning the opening of warming centres with the declaration of an Emergency Cold Weather Alert;
b. delegating authority for declaring an Emergency Cold Weather Alert and the opening of warming centres to the Medical Officer of Health;
c. ensuring that the Cold Weather Response Plan is implemented between September 15 and June 1 each year, in line with the time period in which the City of Toronto’s minimum temperature by-law comes in to effect for tenants;
d. ensuring hot meals, adequate washrooms, showers, harm reduction supplies, and on-site social work and health supports are available in warming centres;
e. securing appropriate space — either within the City’s portfolio, through public service partners such as the TTC, by purchasing sprung structures, or through commercial rental opportunities — to ensure an equitable, City-wide network of warming Centres; and
f. the funding required to deliver an equitable, City-wide network of warming Centres, either through the City or through agency partners, with a fair wage policy in place for all staff.

2023.CC2.4 - Appointment of Chair of the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo

2023.ST1.1 - Council Member Appointments to Committees, Boards and External Bodies

2022.EX34.41 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Summary Report Spring Conference June 2 to 5, 2022

2022.SC33.61 - Memorial for Grant Faulkner

2022.EX33.18 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Summary Report from the March 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

2022.EX34.42 - Ontario Good Roads Summary Annual General Conference and Meeting

2022.EX32.15 - Tree Removal Permit Appeals - Delegation to Community Council

2022.MM43.1 - City of Toronto Endorsement of Bill 60, the Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2022 - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2022.MM43.2 - Authorization to Accept an In-Kind Donation and Enter into Agreements with Native Child and Family Services of Toronto at Eastview Park - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Mayor John Tory

2022.IE27.12 - Official Recognition of Friends of Cornell Park in the Community of Scarborough-Guildwood

2022.MM39.10 - 1221 Markham Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Ontario Land Tribunal - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2022.MM39.24 - Potential Adaptive Reuse - Scarborough Rapid Transit Elevated Track - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2022.MM39.5 - 197 Greyabbey Trail - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2022.EX29.13 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Summary Report from the November 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

2022.EX29.6 - Implementation of an E-Petition Platform at the City of Toronto

2021.MM38.19 - Direction to Report on Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation's Appointment of its First Chief Executive Officer - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher

2021.MM38.51 - Strengthening Tenant Voices at Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Ana Bailao

IE25.20 – Scarborough Cycling Report (Ward 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)

IE25.19 – Galloway Road Bike Lane Upgrades (Ward 24)

IE25.18 – Adopt a Road Pilot Program (Ward 24)

2021.GL26.13 - Municipal Licensing and Standards 311 Updates

2021.GL26.12 - Tracking through Open Data Section 37 and Section 45 Community Benefits - Open 37

2021.EX26.17 - Implementation of an E-Petition Platform at the City of Toronto

2021.IE23.22 – LDD Moth (European Gypsy Moth) Infestation

2021.MM35.13 – Go Tell It To the Birds Time to Stop Overfeeding Toronto’s Pigeons – by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2021.MM35.12 – Increase in 311 Toronto Service Request Reports and Accountability Measures – by Councillor Krystin Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2021.MM35.6 – Pilot Project to Remove Cow Parsnip from Guild Inn Park Gardens Pathway – by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2021.MM34.17 Anybody Have a Map? Way Forward Action Plan and Service Gaps in Addressing Late Night Noise Complaints by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2021.MM34.16 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Advocacy on Digital Affordability by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

2021.EC22.8 5n2 Kitchens Food Security for Scarborough South East

2021.EC22.7 Parents Engaged in Education

2021.MM32.4 - Diversification of Depictions on Canadian Coins and Bills to better reflect a more Heterogeneous and Inclusive Society - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam

2021.MM32.6 - Excessive Vehicle Noise Locations Across the City of Toronto - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2021.MM32.9 - 5n2 Kitchens Food Security for Scarborough South East - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2021.MM32.15 - Parents Engaged in Education - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2021.MM32.16 - Recover Costs from Metrolinx for the Eglinton East LRT - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Josh Matlow

2021.MM32.21 - Supporting the Community Awareness and Emergency Response Association - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Ward All)

2021.MM32.22 - The Increasing Costs of Building Supplies Effect on The Economy - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson -

2021.MM32.23 - The Last Time Internet Regulations Were Passed, People Said, “Fax It to Me” - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Stephen Holyday

2021.ST8.2 - Council Member Appointment to the Seniors Housing Corporation Board of Directors

2021.SC23.27 - Installation of Pedestrian Sidewalk on Falaise Road

2021.ST8.1 - Council Member Appointments to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities

2021.ST8.2 - Council Member Appointment to the Seniors Housing Corporation Board of Directors

2021.GL21.30 - Kingston Road Incremental Growth Study Area

2021.GL21.29 - Concrete Barriers at Union Station

2021.GL21.16 - Implementing Online Timesheets for Council Members' Staff

EX20.8 Affordable Internet Connectivity for All - ConnectTO

amended motion recommendation:
6. City Council requesting the City Manager to write to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to:
 a.  request the Commission to put its 2015 ruling that super-fast fibre optic network be made available through wholesale network access and set corresponding rates, in to effect; and
 b. put mechanisms in places for telecommunication companies to implement data rollover for account holders at the end of their billing cycles.

2021.EC19.5 - Theatre Review for Inclusivity and Equity

2021.GL20.6 - Business Licence Review

2020.MM27.14 - Online Timesheets - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Gary Crawford

2020.MM27.15 - Don’t Leave Scarborough Residents on the Bus: It’s Finally Time to Move Forward with the Light Rapid Transit Plan That Will Provide More Service, for Fewer Dollars, and Can Be Up and Running Sooner - by Councillor Josh Matlow, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.MM27.8 - Recreation Capacity in Scarborough-Guildwood - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2020.MM27.9 - Investigating Expiry Dates for Building Permits - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

2020.MM26.6 - Better Billing: Increasing uptake for monthly water billing and COVID relief for seniors and small businesses - by Councillor Brad Bradford, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.MM25.1 - Supporting Taxi Operators from COVID-related Financial Hardship - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.MM25.4 - 3655 Kingston Road - Request for Representation at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Gary Crawford

2020.SC18.7 - Traffic Calming (Speed Humps) Review - Keeler Boulevard, between Neilson Road and David Drive

2020.MM24.32 - Supporting Bill C-8, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code to prohibit Conversion Therapy - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.MM24.9 - Supporting Taxi Operators from COVID-related Financial hardship - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.PH16.12 - Examining Parking Requirements for New Development Applications

2020.EX17.6 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Cyber Security Update

2020.EX14.10 - Open Data - Cycling and Infrastructure Programs - Bike Share Ridership

2020.IA22.1 - Toronto Police Service Board Open Data Report

2020.MM22.3 - GO Transit/Union Pearson Express-Toronto Transit Commission Discounted Fare Initiative - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

2020.ST5.2 - Council Member Appointments to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) Advisory Committee

2020.IE12.12 - Delays in Traffic Construction Projects throughout Scarborough-Guildwood, Ward 24

2020.SC13.18 - Sidewalk Snow Plowing

2020.MM14.7 - Investing in Modernization of Ontario Public Libraries - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Gord Perks

2020EX14.6 Immediate and Transformational Change in Ontario's Long Term Care Homes - COVID-19 Pandemic
1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

1. City Council request the Federal government to immediately provide additional supports for staff and residents now to stem the COVID – 19 pandemic. This includes, but is not limited to:

a. a serious bolstering of public-health budgets, including federal health transfers ear-marked specifically for public health;

b. careful tracking and maintenance of infectious-disease laboratories in order to keep up with the surge demand during a pandemic;

c. better integration and preservation of the National Emergency Stockpile System;

d. an overhaul of long-term care homes to include space for quarantine infected residents; and

e. systematic funding and regulatory changes such that personal support workers don't need to work in multiple homes to earn a living.

2. City Council request the Federal government to create a National Long Term Care Strategy to fund modern pandemic ready infrastructure, and provide care-giver training and salaries commensurate with the job.

2020EX14.13 Update on Future of Ontario Place and Exhibition Place
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That Recommendation 1 be amended by adding the words "as well as the Board of Directors of the Canadian National Exhibition Association" so that it now reads as follows:

1.  City Council direct the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to report to the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place as well as the Board of Directors of the Canadian National Exhibition Association with an update, when appropriate, on the strategy being developed jointly with the Province of Ontario to plan the future of Ontario Place and Exhibition Place, as set out in part 1 of EX5.1 - Ontario Place/Exhibition Place Revitalization, as it relates to the development of the Exhibition Place Master Plan.

2020EX14.11 City of Toronto's Response to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That the Recommendations be amended so that they now read as follows:

1.  City Council request the Director, Indigenous Affairs Office, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to report to the Executive Committee in the first quarter of 2021 on the implementation of an Indigenous community-led pilot project, overseen by the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council and Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, to address community safety, harm reduction, conflict and crisis response, and peacekeeping from an Indigenous-led perspective, as outlined in Communication AA3.3.1 from the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council.

2.  City Council request the Director, Indigenous Affairs Office, in consultation with relevant staff, to report to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2021 budget on the establishment of a permanent City of Toronto "Calls to Justice" Office, as outlined in Communication AA3.3.2 from Andrea Chrisjohn, Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee member.

2020EX14.10 Open Data - Cycling and Infrastructure Programs - Bike Share Ridership
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board of Directors to direct the President, Toronto Parking Authority to release immediately, on a monthly basis in a suitable data format,all relevant ridership information for Bike Share Toronto  to the Toronto Open Data Portal. Each dataset to include:

a. trip duration (seconds)all;
b. start and end date and time;
c. start and end station name, ID, latitude, longitude;
d. bike identification number
e. user type (“Customer” = 24-hour or 7-day pass user; “Subscriber” = annual member);
f. gender (0=unknown; 1=male; 2=female)
g. year of birth; and
h. datasets include only trips taken by customers from publicly available stations that are longer than 60 seconds in duration. 

2020EX14.8 Toronto Transit Commission Status Update - Anti-Racism Strategy and Ombudsman Recommendations
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to direct the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to:

1. Report back to the Executive Committee with an update and a projected date for final completion of the Toronto Transit Commission Anti-Racism Strategy in the first quarter of 2021.

2. Release all ongoing data collected through its Anti-Racism Strategy to the City of Toronto Open Data Portal in compliance with the Data Standards for the Identification and Monitoring of Systemic Racism, also known as Ontario’s Anti-Racism Data Standards (Standards) which were established to help identify and monitor systemic racism and racial disparities within the public sector.

2020EX14.1 CaféTO - Increasing Outdoor Dining Space for Toronto Restaurants and Bars
1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
That City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to consider financially supporting eating establishments in the CaféTO Program which are not included in areas represented by Business Improvement Areas.

2020MM14.8 Protecting LGBTQ2S+ Small Businesses and Cultural Space - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2020.SC12.19 – All-Way Stop Control Review – Dale Avenue and Cromwell Road

2020.SC12.23 - Re-opening of Item SC11.8 - Scarborough Minor Arterial and Collector Road Speed Limit Reductions as Part of Vision Zero Speed Management Strategy

2019MM8.4 Cities for Digital Rights - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

2019MM12.26 Mandatory Safety Test for All Province of Ontario Truck Drivers - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Josh Matlow

2019MM12.1 Commemoration of the Battle of Ridgeway - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

2019MM7.6 Accepting the Donation of the Royal Canadian Air Force Wing Commander Lieutenant-Colonel William G. Barker Memorial Statue - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Mike Layton

2019.SC11.8 - Scarborough Minor Arterial and Collector Road Speed Limit Reductions as Part of Vision Zero Speed Management Strategy

2020.IE11.15 - Feasibility of Implementing Local Traffic Vehicle Decals

2019.SC11.10 - School Zone Review - Bernadine Street

2019.SC11.15 - Traffic Control Signals Scarborough Golf Club Road at Confederation Drive

2019.EC8.17 - Expansion of Toronto's Winterlicious / Summerlicious Program

2019.EC8.18 - Cost Recovery for Emergency Service Rescues Due to Misadventure at Scarborough Bluffs

2018.MM41.12 - Toronto Joining the Rainbow Cities Network - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.MM31.14 - Reinstating the City's LGBTQ2S+ Community Advisory Committee - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.MM31.21 - Promoting Diversity and Social Inclusion by establishing Intersectionality Awareness Week in the City of Toronto - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2019.GL8.21 - Toronto City Hall Council Chamber Modernization Update

2019.GL8.22 - City of Toronto’s Open Data Portal - Historical and Current Data

September 2019, at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Municipal Finance & Intergovernmental Arrangements Committee
Cybersecurity and Ransomware malware strategy

2019.GL7.15 – Update on the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing of Payday Loan Establishments

2019.EC6.15 - Community Benefits Framework
2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Chief Purchasing Officer, Purchasing and Materials Management, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, in collaboration with the Community Benefits Coordinator, and the City Councillor for Ward 24, Scarborough Guildwood, to utilize the Sir Robert L. Borden property located at 200 Poplar Road as a job skills training centre to assist job candidates from equity seeking groups, including Indigenous peoples, by providing pre-employment training and employment supports prior to and during employment, to maximize employment retention in eastern Scarborough.

2019.IE6.11 - Cycling Network Plan Update – Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.EC6.8 - Strengthening Toronto's Nighttime Economy - Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.GL6.31 - Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire - Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.EC6.15 - Community Benefits Framework
2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Chief Purchasing Officer, Purchasing and Materials Management, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, in collaboration with the Community Benefits Coordinator, and the City Councillor for Ward 24, Scarborough Guildwood, to utilize the Sir Robert L. Borden property located at 200 Poplar Road as a job skills training centre to assist job candidates from equity seeking groups, including Indigenous peoples, by providing pre-employment training and employment supports prior to and during employment, to maximize employment retention in eastern Scarborough.

2019.IE6.11 - Cycling Network Plan Update – Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.EC6.8 - Strengthening Toronto's Nighttime Economy - Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.GL6.31 - Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire - Paul's Amendments at City Council

2019.EC4.5 - Engagement of Non-profit Organizations to Provide Youth Mentoring Programs

2019.SC5.16 - Traffic Control Signals Review - Morningside Avenue and Cumber Avenue/Fordover Drive

2019.SC5.15 - Pedestrian Crossover Review - Holmfirth Terrace and Vanwart Drive

2019.EC4.5 - Engagement of Non-profit Organizations to Provide Youth Mentoring Programs

2019.GL4.15 - Public Notices - Enhancing Public Engagement

2019.GL4.16 - Composition of Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System's (OMERS) Management and Boards

2019.EC3.13 - Recreation Program Registration

2019.GL3.8 - Startup in Residence Pilot Project for the City of Toronto

2019.GL3.9 - Civic Innovation Office - Update

2019.ST1.1 - Council Member Appointments to Committees, Boards and External Bodies

2018.MM44.6 - Seizure and destruction of illegal guns - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2018.MM43.30 - Coroner's Jury Inquest Recommendations for the Homeless - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2018.SC31.25 - Pedestrian Crossover Review - Dearham Wood at Schubert Drive

2018.MM41.23 - Creating a Sustainable and Vibrant Community Hub at the Sir Robert L. Borden Business and Technical Institute - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2018.MM41.35 - Morningside Avenue Bridge Request for Both Temporary and Permanent Traffic Control Signals - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2018.PW29.10 - Local Traffic Vehicle Decals

2018.PW28.14 - Pilot Bike Share Program in South East Scarborough

2018.SC29.25 - Request for Report - Scarborough Civic Centre

2018.SC28.15 - Signalized Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) on Galloway Road at Coronation Drive

2018.SC29.36 - 30 km/h Speed Limit on Local Roads in the Scarborough Community Council Area

2018.SC29.21 - Pedestrian Crossover Review - Galloway Road at Coronation Drive

2018.SC29.25 - Request for Report - Scarborough Civic Centre

2018.SC29.26 - Request to Install a Signalized Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) on Dearham Wood at Poplar Road Jr. Public School and Dearham Wood Day Care

2018.PW28.14 - Pilot Bike Share Program in South East Scarborough

2018.EX33.13 - Acreage and Tonnage Taxation Systems for Railway Rights-of-Way

2018.EX33.6 - Emergency Management Program Update - 2017

2018.CD26.2 - Expanding Indigenous-led Early Years Programs and Services - Update
Adopted Motion – carried by committee member Councillor Fletcher
That: 1.  The General Manager, Children's Services be requested to explore and report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on opportunities at the Sir Robert Borden Business and Technical Institute site located at 200 Poplar Road as a potential site to facilitate new programs and services to accommodate the Ministry of Education's Journey Together initiative.

2018.PW27.8 - Pilot Bike Share Program in South East Scarborough

2018.MM36.8 - Creation of a National Portrait Gallery

2017.PW25.14 - Multi-Use Trail Centennial College Progress Campus and Military Trail Road – Passed at Budget 2018

2017.GM22.36 - Request to Revise the Ontario Provincial Offences Act

2017.IA32.2 - Transportation Services, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs - Open Data - Transportation Services

2017.IA32.3 - Transportation Services - Cycling Infrastructure and Programs - Open Data - Bike Share Ridership

2017.IA32.4 - Toronto Parking Authority - Open Data

2017.MM32.4 - Hosting of All-Candidates Meetings - Permitting Payment of Expenses from the Constituency Services and Office Budget - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker

2017.MM32.5 - Reforming Joint and Several Liability for Ontario Municipalities - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Mark Grimes

2017.MM32.6 - Support for Reform of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Mark Grimes

2017.MM32.7 - Supporting the Creation of a Dedicated Fund to Enhance Municipal Asset Management Planning - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Mark Grimes

2017.IA32.2 - Transportation Services, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs - Open Data - Transportation Services

2017.IA32.3 - Transportation Services - Cycling Infrastructure and Programs - Open Data - Bike Share Ridership

2017.IA32.4 - Toronto Parking Authority - Open Data

2017.MM32.4 - Hosting of All-Candidates Meetings - Permitting Payment of Expenses from the Constituency Services and Office Budget - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.MM32.5 - Reforming Joint and Several Liability for Ontario Municipalities - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.MM32.6 - Support for Reform of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.MM32.7 - Supporting the Creation of a Dedicated Fund to Enhance Municipal Asset Management Planning - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2017.PG22.12 - Group Home Community Information

2017. MM24.32 - Requesting the Government of Canada to implement the Global Skills Visa for Technology Talent

2017. MM24.15 - Payday Loan Act - Public Consultations

2017. MM24.2 - Bill C-312 National Cycling Act

2016.ST10.1 - 2017 Schedule of Meetings

2016.AU6.10 - Audit of City Cleaning Services - Part 2: Maximizing Value from Cleaning Contracts

2016.AU6.9 - Audit of City Cleaning Services - Part 1:  Opportunities to Control Costs, Improve Productivity and Enhance Quality of Cleaning Services

2016.EX16.49 - Request for Implementation of E-Petitions System for City of Toronto 2016.CD13.7 - Toronto Fire Services - Open Data

2016.CD13.8 - Toronto Paramedic Services - Open Data

2016.EX16.24 - 2016 Heads and Beds Levy o2016.EX16.9 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2015 Audited Financial Statementsn Institutions

2016.EX16.23 - 2016 Levy on Railway Roadways and Rights of Way and on Power Utility Transmission and Distribution Corridors

2016.EX16.9 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2015 Audited Financial Statements

2016.EX15.1 - The City of Toronto's Long-term Financial Directio

2016.EX15.2 - Final Report - Toronto Ward Boundary Review

2016.EX15.11 - Aboriginal Employment Strategy Update

2016.EX15.12 - Aboriginal Affairs Office at the City of Toronto

2016.EX15.25 - World Class Digital City - Open Data Strategic Plan

2016.EX15.26 - Term Limits for Council Member Appointments to Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations

2016 EX13.2 - Follow-up Report on Amendments to Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 140, Lobbying ("Lobbying By-law")

2016.MM17.9 - Data regarding deaths in Toronto's Homeless Community - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2016.MM17.7 - Support for Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act - by Councillor Paul Ainslie

2016.CD10.8 - Toronto Fire Services Open Data

2016.CD10.9 - Toronto Paramedic Services Open Data

2016.CD10.2 - City of Toronto Outdoor Tennis Operations

2016. EX13.3 - Developing Toronto's Transit Network Plan: Phase 1

2016.EX13.10 - New Investments Regulations

2016.EX13.24 - Advance Voting Days

2015.EX10.23 - 2016 Rate Supported Budgets - Toronto Water and Recommended 2016 Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Fees

Referred - 2015.HL8.14 - Use of Comparative Data by Local Health Integration Networks for Funding Distribution

Adopted - 2015.ST6.1 - Council Member Appointments to the Canadian National Exhibition Association (CNEA) Municipal Section and Board of Directors

Adopted - 2015.MM8.42 - Regulation of Telecommunications - Request for Authorization to Intervene at the Supreme Court of Canada - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Pam McConnell

Amended  - 2015.EX7.8 - Updated Policies for Naming City Streets and Properties

Referred  - 2015.PG5.11 - Direction to Permit the Re-paving of Driveways in the Scarborough District to their Existing Width and Configuration

Adopted on Consent - 2015.CD3.13 - Fire Safety Lock Boxes

Referred - 2015.MM6.17 - Direction to permit the re-paving of driveways in the Scarborough District to their existing width and configuration - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michelle Berardinetti

Adopted on Consent - 2015.EX5.21 - Support for Banning the Use of Microbeads

Adopted  - 2015.GM3.24 - Board Book App for Mobile Devices

Referred - 2015.PW2.9 - Portia Street Storm Sewer Connection

Adopted on Consent  - 2015.SC3.5 - Appointment of a Member of Council to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Don Watershed Regeneration Council

Adopted on Consent - 2015.ST2.1 - Appointment to fill a Council Member Vacancy on the Toronto Hydro Corporation Board of Directors

Received  - 2015.CC1.7 - Mayor's Appointments of the Deputy Mayor and the Standing Committee Chairs

Amended  - 2015.ST1.1 - Council Member Appointments to Committees, Agencies and External Bodies

Carried - 2015.EX4.4 - Schools as Community Assets - A Policy Agenda for the City-School Boards Advisory Committee

Carried - 2015.EX4.16 - Request for Report on Expanded Gaming at Woodbine Racetrack

Carried - 2015.CD2.1 - Toronto Fire Services - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan

Carried - 2015.MM5.10 - Alternative Options for Stronger Accountability - by Councillor Stephen Holyday, seconded by Councillor Justin J. Di Ciano

Adopted 2015.EX4.7 - Housing Opportunities Toronto 2010-2020 - Five Year Review

Adopted SC33.14 Turning Regulations - Tams Road at Morningside Avenue

Adopted New traffic and Parking regulations were passed at the July Toronto City Council SC33.14 Turning Regulations - Tams Road at Morningside Avenue

Passed Unanimously - 2014.MM54.8 - Provincial Heritage Plaque for Guild Park and Gardens

Passed Unanimously - 2014.MM54.4 - Norman Bethune Day 

Amended and adopted - 2014.EX38.2 - Aboriginal Employment Strategy

Amendment and adopted - 2014.CC50.8 - Proposed Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014: Implications for Toronto's Ombudsman Function

Referred to staff - 2014.SC31.17 - Parking and Traffic Regulations on Bonspiel Drive, Tams Road and Schmirler Terrace

Adopted 2014.GM28.10 - Guild Inn - Revitalization and Development of Restaurant and Banquet Centre Facilities

Adopted 2014.SC30.25 - Business Community Sign Installation - Ward 43

Adopted 2014.MM48.1 - 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson

Adopted 2014.MM48.4 - Official Declaration of March 6th as City of Toronto Day - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Adopted P2014.MM48.6 - Street Renaming to Celebrate Sir John A. Macdonald - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michelle Berardinetti

Received 2014.RM47.3 - Petitions Petition concerning Fire Station 215, submitted by Councillor Paul Ainslie, Ward 43 – Scarborough East, containing the names of approximately 200 persons.

Amendment and adopted 2013.EX36.13 - Initiatives to Address Human Trafficking
Amendment and adopted 2013.EX36.17 - 2014 Rate Supported Budgets - Toronto Water and 2014 Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Fees
Adopted 2013.MM45.2 - 2014 as the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the start of World War I, and the 75th Anniversary of the Commencement of World War II - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson
Referred to Economic Develolpment Committee 2013.MM45.3 - 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson

Adopted 2013.MM45.4 - Public Library Access to E-Books and E-Magazines - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Jaye Robinson
Adopted 2013.MM45.6 - On-line Listings of Registered Speakers (Deputants) - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Sarah Doucette
Adopted 2013.MM45.29 - Programming in Toronto Community Housing Dwellings - Request to Waive Parking Fees - by Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata

Motion to Government Management Committee

January 27, 2012

Re: Scarborough Community Council Evening Sessions


  1. Scarborough Community Council adopt a pilot project to holding more evening sessions of Scarborough Community Council meetings to encourage a heightened community attendance.
  2. The City Clerk, reschedule the April 17th, 2012 Community Council meeting to reflect an evening session to commence at 7:00 p.m. and have this reflected on the City's website and other corresponding materials. PDF

Board of Health

January 20, 2012

Re: Indoor Play Areas in Eating Establishments, Referred Decision

1. The Toronto Board of Health direct the Medical Officer of Health to work with Food Safety and Infection Control to report back to the Toronto Board of Health with policies surrounding sanitation of play areas within eating establishments.
2. That the Medical Officer of Health make recommendations in the form of a "check list" for eating establishments who operate an indoor play area to ensure that a healthy environment is offered to children utilizing the play area.
3. That the Toronto Board of Health give direction to amend the requirements set out in the DineSafe program to include indoor playgrounds within eating establishments, amending Municipal Code Chapter 545 - Licensing. PDF1, PDF2

Motion to Government Management Committee

January 13, 2012

Re: Creation of a Support/Infrastructure Office, Adopted Decision

1. The City Manager report to the Government Management Committee on the feasibility of creating a "Support" or "Infrastructure" Office which will be able to co-ordinate standards across the organization including but not limited to: information technology, purchasing, standard services PDF

Motion to Government Management Committee

January 13, 2012

Re: Request to Include Course on Municipalities and Neighbourhoods within Provincially Mandated Curriculum, Adopted Decision

1. City Council request the City Manager to request the Ontario Provincial Ministry of Education to begin to include within the Provincially mandated curriculum, a full secondary school course on municipalities and neighbourhoods PDF

Motion to Government Management Committee

January 12, 2012

Re: Feasibility of Selling or Leasing of Metro Hall (55 John Street),

Adopted Decision

1. The Facilities and Real Estate office report to the Government Management Committee on the feasibility and re-evaluation for the potential sale or leasing of Metro Hall (55 John Street). PDF

Motion to Government Management Committee

January 12, 2012

Re: Allowing access to Facebook, Decision

1. The Government Management Committee recommends that City of Toronto Staff from
Corporate Information, Technology Web and the Clerk's Office explore the feasibility of allowing access to facebook through the City of Toronto network firewall.
2. A comprehensive employee user strategy to ensure employees use the site appropriately be established to include:

Motion to Licensing and Standards Committee

January 12, 2012

Re: Beautification of Vacant Brownfields throughout the City of Toronto

1. The Licensing and Standards Committee direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, and other relevant City staff, to report back to the committee on the possibility of making it mandatory for property owners of brownfields within the City of Toronto to beautify the site if the property remains dormant for a 6 month period or more.
2. The Licensing and Standards Committee direct the Executive Director , Municipal Licensing and Standards to consult with the Ontario provincial government to see if any provincial legislation needs to be altered to achieve these goals
3. The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, and other relevant City staff approach brownfield landowners and stakeholders for their comments on this recommendation in order to begin a positive discussion on improving our neighbourhoods by participating as a good community neighbour. PDF

Motion to Economic Development Committee

January 12, 2012

Re: Creation of Policy to Preserve Architectural and Historical Significant Structures

1. The Economic Development Committee Direct the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, with other relevant City staff, report back to the committee to create a policy and process to preserve architectural and historical significant structures and fragments from buildings within the City of Toronto undergoing a demolition or renovations by placing them in appropriate locations throughout the grounds of the Guild Park & Gardens. PDF

Motion to Licensing and Standards Committee

January 10, 2012 Re: Enhancing the City of Toronto's engagement with Citizens, transforming City Hall., Reffered: Decision

1. The City Manager and City Clerk report on measures already underway to improve the way notice is given for formal and informal meetings and open houses, and on any additional actions City Council can take to improve the way residents and businesses are given notice of things which affect them.
2. The City Manager report on ways to increase public participation in the budget process including the number of annual budget information sessions across Toronto.
3. The City Manager and/or City Clerk, as appropriate, report on the feasibility of the following electoral reforms:
a. Holding elections on Saturday or Sundays
b. Using ranked ballots and instant run-off voting
c. Improving the City's elections website including a ward search information,
links to candidates' web sites and contact information
d. Pro-actively promoting the nominations process and encouraging nominations
4. The City Manager report on the feasibility of providing child care for all public meetings hosted by the City of Toronto to increase the participation by parents of small children. PDF

Motion to Licensing and Standards Committee

January 10, 2012 Re: Civic Engagement Office, Reffered: Decision

1. The City Manager and City Clerk report on opportunities to improve the availability of
information about governance and opportunities for citizen engagement in the rotunda of
City Hall:
a) Opening a Civic Engagement Office in the Rotunda to act as a one stop resource centre for citizens.
b) Launch of a "Dialogue to reconnect people with government", to be launched in 2012.
c) Civic Engagement Staff be dedicated to supporting resident community groups.
d) To install better signage in Toronto City Hall and Civic Centres to guide residents through the areas enabling all to conduct city business in a more fluid manner. PDF

Motion to Budget Committee

December 9, 2011:

Re: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Swimming Pool - 2012 Capital and Operating Budgets Decision

1. That the Budget Committee recommend, that the 2012 Capital and Operating Budget remove Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate swimming pool from its list of swimming pools slated not be programmed out by the City of Toronto.
2. That the Budget Committee recommend, that the funding to support the cost to maintain and operate the Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI pool be taken from the Toronto Environmental Office Budget. PDF

Motion to Licensing and Standards Committee

November 14th, 2011: Reffered: Decision

1. That the Licensing and Standards Committee Direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, in conjunction with the General Manager of Transportation Services and other relevant City staff, report back to committee on distance requirements (space allocations) between Ice Cream Truck vendors within the City of Toronto's road allowance.
2. That the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards report on other jurisdiction's regulations surrounding distance requirements (space allocations) for Ice Cream Vendors who operate on road allowances. That New York City and the City of Montreal be included in the analysis. PDF

Motion to Scarborough Community Council

October 4, 2011:

Re: The Terry Fox Display Showcase Exhibit (Permanent) Decision


  1. That the City Clerk's office and the City Archivist's office permanently install the Terry Fox Exhibit within the foyer of the Scarborough Community Centre.
  2. That the Scarborough Community Council direct staff to contact the Terry Fox Foundation to  request the Silver Tray presented to Terry along with a T-shirt "Scarborough Welcomes Terry Fox" be on permanent loan to the City of Toronto for the purposes of display with the Terry Fox Exhibit. PDF

Motion to City Council

September 21, 2011: Re: Canadian Food Inspection Agency Forest Pest Compensation Regulations on Replacement Grants for Emerald Ash Borer,

Referred Decision

Councillor Paul Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll, recommends that:
1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to enter
into a purchase of service agreement with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to
order the removal of ash trees infected with Emerald Ash Borer.
2. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to report to
the Canadian Food Inspection Agency on the removal orders issued to property owners
making them eligible for the replacement grant offered through the Forest Pest
Compensation Regulations.
3. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to further
approach the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to request that City of Toronto-owned
trees also be eligible for the replacement grants. PDF

Motion to Executive Committee

September 6th, 2011:

Re: Request for Moratorium on Wind Turbines and Removal of Anemometer on Lake Ontario Decision

November 29th, 2011 Reported Back

1. That the Executive Committee recommend that Toronto City Council approve a moratorium of the construction of wind turbines on Lake Ontario.

2. That the Executive Committee, recommend that Toronto City Council approve the removal of the anemometer currently installed on Lake Ontario. Requesting Toronto Hydro to have the anemometer removed this Fall 2011. PDF

Motion to Parks and Environment Committee

June 24, 2011:

Re: Coronation Park Decision

October, 2011 Reported Back

1. That the City Parks and Environment Committee recommend Toronto City Council request Parks Forestry and Recreation to enter into consultations with the Dominion Institute, Legions, Friends of Fort York and Heritage Toronto to develop a strategy to rejuvenate Coronation Park.
2. Toronto City Council request the City of Toronto's Partnership Office work with Parks Forestry and Recreation, the Dominion Institute, Legions, Friends of Fort York and Heritage Toronto to search for a public sector partner to enter into a Private Public Partnership with the City of Toronto to ready the Coronation Park for the 100 th anniversary of WWI in 2014. PDF

Motion to Parks and Environment Committee

June 24, 2011:

Re: On-line Permit Registration for City Parks and City Owned Facilities Decision

1. That the City parks and Environment Committee recommend that Toronto City Council approve that City parks Forestry and Recreation streamline the permitting process by implementing an on-line permitting system for City parks.
2. That the City of Toronto's City parks Forestry and Recreation report back to the September 15, 2011 City parks and Environment Committee alternative revenue sources and the possible elimination of gathering permits. PDF

Motion to Parks and Environment Committee

June 24, 2011:

Re: Amenities in our City Parks Decision

1. That the City Parks and Environment Committee recommend Toronto City Council request Parks Forestry and Recreation update the City's website ensuring all the City owned parks are listed along with a more detailed and accurate description of each City parks' landscape, amenities and City events. PDF

Motion to Public Works and Infrastructure Committee

June 22, 2011:

Re: Proposal to Establish "The Daily Pothole" Website Decision

1. That the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommend that Toronto City Council approve that Transportation Services create an on-line "Pot Hole" counter making available to residents a weekly pot hole repair counter, a summary of the City's repair progress, the number of repairs to be done, information on the costs of repairing pot holes as well as a summary of locations which have already been reported.
2. That the City of Toronto's Transportation Services further investigate if the website could include the geographic locations of future road repairs. PDF

Motion to Scarborough Community Council

June 22, 2011:

Re: The Terry Fox Display Showcase Exhibit Decision


  1. That the City Clerk's office request permission from the Terry Fox Foundation to display Terry Fox's name within an exhibit in the lobby of the Scarborough Civic Centre.
  2. That the Scarborough Community Council direct staff to work towards an exhibit in the Scarborough Civic Centre to commemorate Terry Fox's visit and memorable speech of July 10, 1980.  The display is to include items from the Scarborough Archives.
  3. That the exhibit be interactive allowing visitors to view video clips of Terry Fox's visit to the Scarborough Civic Centre.
  4. That the staff from the appropriate division contact, the Terry Fox Foundation, making a request to feature the Silver Tray presented to Terry along with a T-shirt "Scarborough Welcomes Terry Fox" in the exhibit, to be returned to them on the closing of the exhibit. PDF

Motion to City of Toronto Council February 26th, 2009: Referred to the Executive Committee PDF Motion: MM31.12

Recommendations: Councillor Ainslie, seconded by Councillor Stintz, recommends:

1.  That the City of Toronto establish a working group of interested Councillors, citizens and industry stakeholders to provide recommendations, through the Executive Committee to City Council and the Province of Ontario, on protocols for the approval of renewable energy projects. 

2. That the City Manager report to the Executive Committee on a terms of reference for this working group.

Summary: The City of Toronto has built a reputation as a leader in environmental initiatives and a proponent of sustainable energy and development.  Toronto Hydro has been a leader in implementing energy efficient programs that have had great benefit for the City's businesses and residents.  The City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro have expertise that could benefit the Province as the standards for the Green Energy legislation are being developed.

The proposed new legislation seeks to streamline aspects of approvals at the Provincial level that may currently reside at the municipal level.  The municipality has an interest to ensure the Provincial protocols adequate reflect municipal concerns.

(Submitted to City Council on February 23 and 24, 2009 as MM31.12)

Motion to City of Toronto Council

February 26th, 2009: Passed PDF

Motion: 3A, EX29.2

Moved by:  Councillor Ainslie

City Council request Prime Minister Harper to commence negotiations with the US Federal government to amend, in partnership with the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Control Agreement in order to improve the water quality at the City’s beaches.

Motion to City of Toronto Council

February 26th, 2009: Passed PDF

Motion: 3B, EX29.2

Moved by:  Councillor Ainslie

The Toronto Water Division strive to ensure discharges from Toronto's sewer system meet provincial water quality standards, specifically Section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act which requires municipalities with combined sewer systems to prevent sewage from entering our waterway, so that water quality at the City’s beaches can be safeguarded.

Extending the Outdoor Ice Skating Season

Item no. CD21.8

Decision Advice and Other Information
The Community Development and Recreation Committee requested the General Manager,
Parks, Recreation and Forestry, to submit a report to the Community Development and
Recreation Committee as soon as possible, and for consideration with the 2009 Operating
Budget, on opening all of the City’s outdoor ice rinks at the same time as Nathan Phillips

Requesting that the outdoor ice skating season be extended so that all outdoor ice rinks will
open at the same time as Nathan Phillips Square.

CONDOLENCE MOTION to Scarborough Community Council February 09, 2009

Motion to Licensing Standards Committee
: The Purpose of this prohibition is to minimize the availability of spray paint to minors to reduce the increased circumstances related to graffiti and tagging in our City.  Although this measure alone will not eliminate graffiti it will make the accessibility to spray paint more difficult as it is the tool of choice.

The City has made advancement when dealing with the removal of graffiti. Our City website sites that Council approved funding of $310,000 for the training and employment of young people to carry out the work. Over the past seven years, the program has cleaned 263 sites (5,500 individual graffiti tags) and has created 333 murals.

Motion to City Council - Passed Disclosure - Grow-op Operations and/or Illegal Drug Labs: As the Real Estate Council of Ontario advised that agents are to disclose all material facts about a property to potential purchasers specifically if the property was a marijuana grow operation and/or illegal drug lab.  This information is not always available to the agents as there is  not a province wide data base which lists offending properties. Hence the City has contacted the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General requesting their office create a comprehensive and fully accessible database of homes which have been found to be used as marijuana grow operations and/or illegal drug labs.  My office is also working with the Deputy City Managers office to investigate other options for a database system. Page 1 / Page 2 More info

Motion to City Council - Passed Proposed Telecommunication Tower: 140 Guildwood Parkway: City of Toronto object to the installation of a Bell Mobility cellular telecommunication tower at the particular site of 140 Guildwood Parkway. As of June 2008 our office was advised that the location was no longer an option for Bell Mobility as the property owners requested that they be relieved of the lease agreement, the City's impasse was also not challenged by the mobility company. More Info

Motion to Community Council Passed Scarborough Media Image: Scarborough Community Council invite Mr. John Macfarlane, Editor and Mr. Don Gillmor, Writer, Toronto Life, to appear before Scarborough Community Council at its meeting of January 15, 2008, to address issues outlined in Mr. Gillmor's article published in the Toronto Life Magazine December issue, entitled "The Scarborough Curse" and further that the individuals be invited to take a tour of Scarborough with Scarborough Community Council Members and interested residents. Mr. Gillmor did appear before Community Council in January, he bravely answered Councillors questions and was also present to hear a presentation on Scarborough which detailed it's decrease in the crime rate and other positive Scarborough initiatives. More Info

Motion to Community Council Passed Scarborough Media Image: Scarborough Community Council invite Mr. John Macfarlane, Editor and Mr. Don Gillmor, Writer, Toronto Life, to appear before Scarborough Community Council at its meeting of January 15, 2008, to address issues outlined in Mr. Gillmor's article published in the Toronto Life Magazine December issue, entitled "The Scarborough Curse" and further that the individuals be invited to take a tour of Scarborough with Scarborough Community Council Members and interested residents. Mr. Gillmor did appear before Community Council in January, he bravely answered Councillors questions and was also present to hear a presentation on Scarborough which detailed it's decrease in the crime rate and other positive Scarborough initiatives.

Motion to Planning and Growth Management Committee - referred to Staff
with a scope of actively fostering the best image possible for Scarborough, through both public and private improvements. Options within the guidelines for gateway/corridor designs should contain common elements for both public and private improvements.

Motion to City Council - Passed in February FEDERAL LITERACY FUNDING: Toronto City Council petition the Government of Canada to reinstate the $17.7 million in funding for literacy projects/programs to maintain the level of services literacy programs across Canada strive to meet.

Motion to City Council - Passed in June FEDERAL INITIATIVES FOR HISTORIC PLACES: Let's Make Landmarks, Not Landfill: Toronto City Council request the Federal Ministers of Finance and Canadian Heritage and Status of Women to establish financial tax incentives for the rehabilitation of heritage buildings which would encourage private sector investment in the rehabilitation of historic places.

Motion to City Council - Passed in July- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY REQUEST FOR FEE FORGIVENESS: 4200 Kingston Road. City Council agreed to rebate and waive all fees attributed to the development and construction by Habitat for Humanity Toronto of nineteen town homes at 4200 Kingston Rd., Scarborough. The City recognized the development of 4200 Kingston Road as an affordable home ownership initiative with the City of Toronto. Authority was granted at this site for a one-time grant of $131,364.48 from the city's Capital Revolving Fund equivalent to the building permit fees, development charges and park levy.

Motion to Budget Committee - Was voted down. Delete the recommendation from the Mayor's Office Operating Budget 2007 for 4 new staff, (2 Policy Advisors and 2 Administrative Assistants for 7 months) $0.254 million.

Motion to Budget Committee - Was voted down
Request City Manager Shirley Hoy report back to the Budget Committee before the 2008 Capital and Operating Budget reviews, with regards to the financial implications of fully integrating the Toronto Emergency Services into the Toronto Fire Services. 

Motion to Budget Committee - Was voted down
Request that the $30,000 coffee budget for the 2nd Floor at City Hall be deleted. Request that the supply cabinet for Council use be deleted for a savings of $20,000. Request that the $30,000 Council refreshment allotment be deleted.

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. that staff report to the Budget Committee during the 2008 Operating Budget process eliminating the line in the City Council 2008 Operating Budget entitled "Public Relations" , and charging the amount individual Councillor's office Operating Budget's based on usage, for a savings in the 2008 fiscal year of $0.076.7 million.

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. The line in the City Council 2007 Operating Budget entitled "Servery Supplies on 2/F Council" amounting to $0.020 million be eliminated;

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. that staff report to the Budget Committee during the 2008 Operating Budget process decreasing the City Council 2008 Office Budget by $0.004.0 million per office, for a savings in the 2008 fiscal year of $0.172.0 million.

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. The line in the City Council 2007 Operating Budget entitled "Food Services" be reduced by $0.020 million;

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. That the recommendation from the Mayor's Office Operating Budget 2007 for 4 new staff, (2 Policy Advisors and two Administrative Assistants for 7 months) be eliminated not held as suggested in the cost containment document, for a savings of $0.254 million

Motion presented by Councillor Ainslie
Thursday September 20, 2007

1. the General Office Supplies Budget for City Councillors' be reduced by $0.030 million, which, specifically is the office supplies cabinet located in the second floor office of the City Clerk;

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